--- title: Windows 10 --- For Windows, launching the pre-built Docker image on a Linux virtual machine is recommended (see [Deploying ClearML Server: Linux or macOS](clearml_server_linux_mac.md)). However, ClearML Server can be launched on Windows 10, using Docker Desktop for Windows (see the Docker [System Requirements](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/#system-requirements)). For information about upgrading ClearML Server on Windows, see [here](upgrade_server_win.md). :::important If ClearML Server is being reinstalled, clearing browser cookies for ClearML Server is recommended. For example, for Firefox, go to Developer Tools > Storage > Cookies, and for Chrome, go to Developer Tools > Application > Cookies, and delete all cookies under the ClearML Server URL. ::: ## Deploying :::warning By default, ClearML Server launches with unrestricted access. To restrict ClearML Server access, follow the instructions in the [Security](clearml_server_security.md) page. ::: :::info Memory Requirement Deploying the server requires a minimum of 8 GB of memory, 16 GB is recommended. ::: **To deploy ClearML Server on Windows 10:** 1. Install the Docker Desktop for Windows application by either: * Following the [Install Docker Desktop on Windows](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/) instructions. * Running the Docker installation [wizard](https://hub.docker.com/?overlay=onboarding). 1. Increase the memory allocation in Docker Desktop to `4GB`. 1. In the Windows notification area (system tray), right-click the Docker icon. 1. Click **Settings** **>** **Advanced**, and then set the memory to at least `4096`. 1. Click **Apply**. 1. Remove any previous installation of ClearML Server. **This clears all existing ClearML SDK databases.** ``` rmdir c:\opt\clearml /s ``` 1. Create local directories for data and logs. Open PowerShell and execute the following commands: ``` cd c: mkdir c:\opt\clearml\data mkdir c:\opt\clearml\logs ``` 1. Save the ClearML Server `docker-compose` YAML file. ``` curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clearml/clearml-server/master/docker/docker-compose-win10.yml -o c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml ``` 1. Run `docker-compose`. In PowerShell, execute the following commands: ``` docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml up ``` The server is now running on [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080). ## Port Mapping After deploying ClearML Server, the services expose the following node ports: * Web server on port `8080` * API server on port `8008` * File server on port `8081` ## Restarting **To restart ClearML Server Docker deployment:** * Stop and then restart the Docker containers by executing the following commands: ``` docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml down docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml up -d ``` ## Next Step To keep track of your experiments and/or data, the `clearml` package needs to communicate with your server. For instruction to connect the ClearML SDK to the server, see [ClearML Setup](../clearml_sdk/clearml_sdk_setup).