#### Filtering Examples
ROI Rules
* Create one ROI rule for `person` shows the same three frames as the simple frame filter (above).

* In the ROI rule, add a second label. Add `partially_occluded`. Only frames containing at least one ROI labeled as both
`person` and `partially_occluded` match the filter.

* By opening a frame in the frame viewer, you can see an ROI labeled with both.

Frame Rules
Filter by metadata using Lucene queries.
* Add a frame rule to filter by the metadata key `dangerous` for the value of `no`.

* Open a frame in the frame viewer to see its metadata.

Source Rules
Filter by sources using Lucene queries.
* Add a source rule to filter for sources URIs with a wildcards.

Lucene queries can also be used in ROI label filters and frame rules.
### Exporting Frames
To export (download) filtered datasets as a JSON file, click **EXPORT FRAMES**.
### Frame Browser Configuration
to open the
frame browser configuration settings.
#### Grouping Previews
FrameGroups or SingleFrames can share the same `context_id` (URL). For example, users can set the same `context_id`
to multiple FrameGroups that represent frames in a single video.
Use the **Grouping** menu to select one of the following options:
* Split Preview - Show separate previews for each individual FrameGroup, regardless of shared context.
* Group by URL - Show a single preview for all FrameGroups with the same context
#### Preview Source
When using multi-source FrameGroups, users can choose which of the FrameGroups’ sources will be displayed as the preview.
Use the **PREVIEW SOURCE** menu to select from the list of sources.
Choose the `Default preview source` option to present the first available source.
If a FrameGroup doesn't have the selected preview source, the next available source will be used for the preview.