--- title: CLI --- :::important This page covers `clearml-data`, ClearML's file-based data management solution. See [Hyper-Datasets](../hyperdatasets/overview.md) for ClearML's advanced queryable dataset management solution. ::: `clearml-data` is a data management CLI tool that comes as part of the `clearml` python package. Use `clearml-data` to create, modify, and manage your datasets. You can upload your dataset to any storage service of your choice (S3 / GS / Azure / Network Storage) by setting the dataset’s upload destination (see [`--storage`](#upload)). Once you have uploaded your dataset, you can access it from any machine. The following page provides a reference to `clearml-data`'s CLI commands. ## create Creates a new dataset. ```bash clearml-data create [-h] [--parents [PARENTS [PARENTS ...]]] [--project PROJECT] --name NAME [--version VERSION] [--output-uri OUTPUT_URI] [--tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--name` |Dataset's name| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--project`|Dataset's project| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--version` |Dataset version. Use the [semantic versioning](https://semver.org) scheme. If not specified a version will automatically be assigned | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--parents`|IDs of the dataset's parents. The dataset inherits all of its parents' content. Multiple parents can be entered, but they are merged in the order they were entered| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--output-uri`| Sets where dataset and its previews are uploaded to| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--tags` |Dataset user tags. The dataset can be labeled, which can be useful for organizing datasets| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> :::tip Dataset ID * For datasets created with `clearml` v1.6 or newer on ClearML Server v1.6 or newer, find the ID in the dataset version’s info panel in the [Dataset UI](../webapp/datasets/webapp_dataset_viewing.md). For datasets created with earlier versions of `clearml`, or if using an earlier version of ClearML Server, find the ID in the task header of the [dataset task's info panel](../webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md). * clearml-data works in a stateful mode so once a new dataset is created, the following commands do not require the `--id` flag. ::: <br/> ## add Add individual files or complete folders to the dataset. ```bash clearml-data add [-h] [--id ID] [--dataset-folder DATASET_FOLDER] [--files [FILES [FILES ...]]] [--wildcard [WILDCARD [WILDCARD ...]]] [--links [LINKS [LINKS ...]]] [--non-recursive] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id` | Dataset's ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--files`| Files / folders to add. Items will be uploaded to the dataset’s designated storage. | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--wildcard`| Add specific set of files, denoted by these wildcards. For example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json`. Multiple wildcards can be passed. | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--links`| Files / folders link to add. Supports s3, gs, azure links. Example: `s3://bucket/data` `azure://bucket/folder`. Items remain in their original location. | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--dataset-folder` | Dataset base folder to add the files to in the dataset. Default: dataset root| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--non-recursive` | Disable recursive scan of files | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--verbose` | Verbose reporting | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## remove Remove files/links from the dataset. ```bash clearml-data remove [-h] [--id ID] [--files [FILES [FILES ...]]] [--non-recursive] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id` | Dataset's ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--files` | Files / folders to remove (wildcard selection is supported, for example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json`). Notice: file path is the path within the dataset, not the local path. For links, you can specify their URL (e.g. `s3://bucket/data`) | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--non-recursive` | Disable recursive scan of files | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--verbose` | Verbose reporting | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## upload Upload the local dataset changes to the server. By default, it's uploaded to the [ClearML Server](../deploying_clearml/clearml_server.md). It's possible to specify a different storage medium by entering an upload destination, such as `s3://bucket`, `gs://`, `azure://`, `/mnt/shared/`. ```bash clearml-data upload [-h] [--id ID] [--storage STORAGE] [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`| Dataset's ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--storage`| Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--chunk-size`| Set dataset artifact upload chunk size in MB. Default 512, (pass -1 for a single chunk). Example: 512, dataset will be split and uploaded in 512 MB chunks. | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose` | Verbose reporting | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## close Finalize the dataset and make it ready to be consumed. This automatically uploads all files that were not previously uploaded. Once a dataset is finalized, it can no longer be modified. ```bash clearml-data close [-h] [--id ID] [--storage STORAGE] [--disable-upload] [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`| Dataset's ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--storage`| Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--disable-upload` | Disable automatic upload when closing the dataset | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--chunk-size`| Set dataset artifact upload chunk size in MB. Default 512, (pass -1 for a single chunk). Example: 512, dataset will be split and uploaded in 512 MB chunks. | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose` | Verbose reporting | <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## sync Sync a folder's content with ClearML. This option is useful in case a user has a single point of truth (i.e. a folder) which updates from time to time. Once an update should be reflected in ClearML's system, call `clearml-data sync` and pass the folder path, and the changes (either file addition, modification and removal) will be reflected in ClearML. This command also uploads the data and finalizes the dataset automatically. ```bash clearml-data sync [-h] [--id ID] [--dataset-folder DATASET_FOLDER] --folder FOLDER [--parents [PARENTS [PARENTS ...]]] [--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--version VERSION] [--output-uri OUTPUT_URI] [--tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] [--storage STORAGE] [--skip-close] [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`| Dataset's ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" /> | |`--dataset-folder`|Dataset base folder to add the files to (default: Dataset root)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--folder`|Local folder to sync. Wildcard selection is supported, for example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json`|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--storage`|Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files server |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--parents`|IDs of the dataset's parents (i.e. merge all parents). All modifications made to the folder since the parents were synced will be reflected in the dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|If creating a new dataset, specify the dataset's project name|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|If creating a new dataset, specify the dataset's name|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--version`|Specify the dataset’s version using the [semantic versioning](https://semver.org) scheme. Default: `1.0.0`|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--tags`|Dataset user tags|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--skip-close`|Do not auto close dataset after syncing folders|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--chunk-size`| Set dataset artifact upload chunk size in MB. Default 512, (pass -1 for a single chunk). Example: 512, dataset will be split and uploaded in 512 MB chunks. |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose` | Verbose reporting |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## list List a dataset's contents. ```bash clearml-data list [-h] [--id ID] [--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--version VERSION] [--filter [FILTER [FILTER ...]]] [--modified] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`|Dataset ID whose contents will be shown (alternatively, use project / name combination). Default: previously accessed dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|Specify dataset project name (if used instead of ID, dataset name is also required)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|Specify dataset name (if used instead of ID, dataset project is also required)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--version`|Specify dataset version. Default: most recent version |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--filter`|Filter files based on folder / wildcard. Multiple filters are supported. Example: `folder/date_*.json folder/sub-folder`|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--modified`|Only list file changes (add / remove / modify) introduced in this version|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## set-description Sets the description of an existing dataset. ```bash clearml-data set-description [-h] [--id ID] [--description DESCRIPTION] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`|Dataset’s ID|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--description`|Description to be set|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## delete Deletes dataset(s). Pass any of the attributes of the dataset(s) you want to delete. Multiple datasets matching the request will raise an exception, unless you pass `--entire-dataset` and `--force`. In this case, all matching datasets will be deleted. If a dataset is a parent to a dataset(s), you must pass `--force` in order to delete it. :::warning Deleting a parent dataset may cause child datasets to lose data! ::: ```bash clearml-data delete [-h] [--id ID] [--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--version VERSION] [--force] [--entire-dataset] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`|ID of the dataset to delete (alternatively, use project / name combination).|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|Specify dataset project name (if used instead of ID, dataset name is also required)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|Specify dataset name (if used instead of ID, dataset project is also required)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--version`|Specify dataset version|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`-–force`|Force dataset deletion even if other dataset versions depend on it. Must also be used if `--entire-dataset` flag is used|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--entire-dataset`|Delete all found datasets|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## rename Rename a dataset (and all of its versions). ```bash clearml-data rename [-h] --new-name NEW_NAME --project PROJECT --name NAME ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--new-name`|The new name of the dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|The project the dataset to be renamed belongs to|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|The current name of the dataset(s) to be renamed|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## move Moves a dataset to another project ```bash clearml-data move [-h] --new-project NEW_PROJECT --project PROJECT --name NAME ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--new-project`|The new project of the dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|The current project the dataset to be move belongs to|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|The name of the dataset to be moved|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## search Search datasets in the system by project, name, ID, and/or tags. Returns list of all datasets in the system that match the search request, sorted by creation time. ```bash clearml-data search [-h] [--ids [IDS [IDS ...]]] [--project PROJECT] [--name NAME] [--tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--ids`|A list of dataset IDs|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--project`|The project name of the datasets|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--name`|A dataset name or a partial name to filter datasets by|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--tags`|A list of dataset user tags|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> <br/> ## compare Compare two datasets (target vs. source). The command returns a comparison summary that looks like this: `Comparison summary: 4 files removed, 3 files modified, 0 files added` ```bash clearml-data compare [-h] --source SOURCE --target TARGET [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--source`|Source dataset ID (used as baseline)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--target`|Target dataset ID (compare against the source baseline dataset)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose`|Verbose report all file changes (instead of summary)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> ## squash Squash multiple datasets into a single dataset version (merge down). ```bash clearml-data squash [-h] --name NAME --ids [IDS [IDS ...]] [--storage STORAGE] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--name`|Create squashed dataset name|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--ids`|Source dataset IDs to squash (merge down)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--storage`|Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose`|Verbose report all file changes (instead of summary)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> ## verify Verify that the dataset content matches the data from the local source. ```bash clearml-data verify [-h] [--id ID] [--folder FOLDER] [--filesize] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`|Specify dataset ID. Default: previously created/accessed dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--folder`|Specify dataset local copy (if not provided the local cache folder will be verified)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--filesize`| If `True`, only verify file size and skip hash checks (default: `False`)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose`|Verbose report all file changes (instead of summary)|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> ## get Get a local copy of a dataset. By default, you get a read only cached folder, but you can get a mutable copy by using the `--copy` flag. ```bash clearml-data get [-h] [--id ID] [--copy COPY] [--link LINK] [--part PART] [--num-parts NUM_PARTS] [--overwrite] [--verbose] ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`| Specify dataset ID. Default: previously created / accessed dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--copy`| Get a writable copy of the dataset to a specific output folder|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--link`| Create a soft link (not supported on Windows) to a read-only cached folder containing the dataset|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--part`|Retrieve a partial copy of the dataset. Part number (0 to `--num-parts`-1) of total parts `--num-parts`.|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--num-parts`|Total number of parts to divide the dataset into. Notice, minimum retrieved part is a single chunk in a dataset (or its parents). Example: Dataset gen4, with 3 parents, each with a single chunk, can be divided into 4 parts |<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--overwrite`| If `True`, overwrite the target folder|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| |`--verbose`| Verbose report all file changes (instead of summary)| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg" alt="Yes" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div> ## publish Publish the dataset for public use. The dataset must be [finalized](#close) before it is published. ```bash clearml-data publish [-h] --id ID ``` **Parameters** <div className="tbl-cmd"> |Name|Description|Optional| |---|---|---| |`--id`| The dataset task ID to be published.| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="No" className="icon size-md center-md" />| </div>