--- title: Embedding Model Deployment --- :::important Enterprise Feature The Embedding Model Deployment App is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan. ::: The Embedding Model Deployment app enables users to quickly deploy embedding models as networking services over a secure endpoint. This application supports various model configurations and customizations, addressing a range of embedding use cases. The Embedding Model Deployment application serves your model on a machine of your choice. Once an app instance is running, it serves your embedding model through a secure, publicly accessible network endpoint. The app monitors endpoint activity and shuts down if the model remains inactive for a specified maximum idle time. :::info AI Application Gateway The Embedding Model Deployment app makes use of the ClearML Traffic Router which implements a secure, authenticated network endpoint for the model. If the ClearML AI application Gateway is not available, the model endpoint might not be accessible. For more information, see [AI Application Gateway](../../deploying_clearml/enterprise_deploy/appgw.md). ::: After starting an Embedding Model Deployment instance, you can view the following information in its dashboard: * Status indicator * Active instance - App instance is running and is actively in use * Loading instance - App instance is setting up * Idle instance - App instance is idle * Stopped instance - App instance is stopped * Idle time - Time elapsed since last activity * Endpoint - The publicly accessible URL of the model endpoint. Active model endpoints are also available in the [Model Endpoints](../webapp_model_endpoints.md) table, which allows you to view and compare endpoint details and monitor status over time * API base - The base URL for the model endpoint * API key - The authentication key for the model endpoint * Test Command - An example command line to test the deployed model * Requests - Number of requests over time * Latency - Request response time (ms) over time * Endpoint resource monitoring metrics over time * CPU usage * Network throughput * Disk performance * Memory performance * GPU utilization * GPU memory usage * GPU temperature * Console log - The console log shows the app instance's console output: setup progress, status changes, error messages, etc. ![Embedding Model Deployment app](../../img/apps_embedding_model_deployment.png#light-mode-only) ![Embedding Model Deployment app](../../img/apps_embedding_model_deployment_dark.png#dark-mode-only) ## Embedding Model Deployment Instance Configuration When configuring a new Embedding Model Deployment instance, you can fill in the required parameters or reuse the configuration of a previously launched instance. Launch an app instance with the configuration of a previously launched instance using one of the following options: * Cloning a previously launched app instance will open the instance launch form with the original instance's configuration prefilled. * Importing an app configuration file. You can export the configuration of a previously launched instance as a JSON file when viewing its configuration. The prefilled configuration form can be edited before launching the new app instance. To configure a new app instance, click `Launch New` Add new to open the app's configuration form. ### Configuration Options * **Import Configuration** - Import an app instance configuration file. This will fill the configuration form with the values from the file, which can be modified before launching the app instance * **Project name** - ClearML Project where your Embedding Model Deployment app instance will be stored * **Task name** - Name of ClearML Task for your Embedding Model Deployment app instance * **Queue** - The [ClearML Queue](../../fundamentals/agents_and_queues.md#what-is-a-queue) to which the Embedding Model Deployment app instance task will be enqueued (make sure an agent is assigned to it) * **Model Configuration** * Model - A ClearML Model ID or a Hugging Face model name (e.g. `openai-community/gpt2`) * Revision - The specific Hugging Face version of the model you want to use. You can use a specific commit ID or a branch like `refs/pr/2` * Tokenization Workers - Number of tokenizer workers used for payload tokenization, validation, and truncation. Defaults to the number of CPU cores on the machine * Dtype - The data type enforced on the model * Pooling - Model pooling method. If `pooling` is not set, the pooling configuration will be parsed from the model `1_Pooling/config.json` configuration. If `pooling` is set, it will override the model pooling configuration. Possible values: * `cls`: Use CLS token * `mean`: Apply Mean pooling * `splade`: Apply SPLADE (Sparse Lexical and Expansion) pooling. This option is only available for `ForMaskedLM` Transformer models * \+ Add item - Add another model endpoint. Each model will be accessible through the same base URL, with the model name appended to the URL. * **Hugging Face Token** - Token for accessing Hugging Face models that require authentication * **Idle Time Limit** (Hours) - Maximum idle time after which the app instance will shut down * **Export Configuration** - Export the app instance configuration as a JSON file, which you can later import to create a new instance with the same configuration
![Embedding Model Deployment form](../../img/apps_embedding_model_deployment_form.png#light-mode-only) ![Embedding Model Deployment form](../../img/apps_embedding_model_deployment_form_dark.png#dark-mode-only)