title:  Building Docker Containers

## Exporting a Task into a Standalone Docker Container

### Task Container

Build a Docker container that when launched executes a specific experiment, or a clone (copy) of that experiment.

- Build a Docker container that at launch will execute a specific Task:

  clearml-agent build --id <task-id> --docker --target <new-docker-name> --entry-point reuse_task

- Build a Docker container that at launch will clone a Task specified by Task ID, and will execute the newly cloned Task:

  clearml-agent build --id <task-id> --docker --target <new-docker-name> --entry-point clone_task

- Run built Docker by executing:

  docker run <new-docker-name>

Check out [this tutorial](../guides/clearml_agent/executable_exp_containers.md) for building executable experiment 

### Base Docker Container

Build a Docker container according to the execution environment of a specific task.

clearml-agent build --id <task-id> --docker --target <new-docker-name>

You can add the Docker container as the base Docker image to a task (experiment), using one of the following methods:

- Using the **ClearML Web UI** - See [Base Docker image](../webapp/webapp_exp_tuning.md#base-docker-image) on the "Tuning
  Experiments" page.
- In the ClearML configuration file - Use the ClearML configuration file [`agent.default_docker`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#agentdefault_docker)

Check out [this tutorial](../guides/clearml_agent/exp_environment_containers.md) for building a Docker container 
replicating the execution environment of an existing task.