--- title: Pipeline Run Details --- The run details panel shows the pipeline's structure and the execution status of every step, as well as the run's configuration parameters and output. ![Pipeline structure](../../img/webapp_pipeline_DAG.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline structure](../../img/webapp_pipeline_DAG_dark.png#dark-mode-only) Each step shows: ![Pipeline step info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_node.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline step info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_node_dark.png#dark-mode-only) * Step name * Step status * Step execution time * Step log button - Hover over the step and click console to view the step's [details panel](#run-and-step-details-panel) While the pipeline is running, the steps' details and colors are updated. ## Run Stages Steps that were set into the same stage when created, are grouped into stages in the Run Details panel. In stages view, click`Expand Stages` to view the complete pipeline DAG with all steps visible. In the detailed view, click `Collapse Stages` to view the pipeline DAG outline with the same stage steps grouped into a single stage. ![Pipeline structure in stages](../../img/webapp_pipeline_DAG_collapsed.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline structure in stages](../../img/webapp_pipeline_DAG_collapsed_dark.png#dark-mode-only) In the collapsed view, each stage displays:
![Pipeline stage card](../../img/webapp_pipeline_stage_card.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline stage card](../../img/webapp_pipeline_stage_card_dark.png#dark-mode-only)
* Stage name * Number of steps in stage Click Expand to view the steps that comprise the stage. Select a step to view its [Step Info](#run-and-step-info). Click on a stage to view its **STAGE INFO**:
![Pipeline stage info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_stage_info.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline stage info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_stage_info_dark.png#dark-mode-only)
* Stage name * Step count by status - The number of steps in each status category (e.g. completed, running, pending) ## Run and Step Details ### Run and Step Info On the pipeline run panel, view the **RUN INFO** which shows: * Run Parameters * Reported Metrics * Produced Artifacts * Output Models
![Run info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_run_info.png#light-mode-only) ![Run info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_run_info_dark.png#dark-mode-only)
To view a run's complete information, click **Full details**, which will open the pipeline's controller [task page](../webapp_exp_track_visual.md). View each list's complete details in the pipeline task's corresponding tabs: * **PARAMETERS** list > **CONFIGURATION** tab * **METRICS** list > **SCALARS** tab * **ARTIFACTS** and **MODELS** lists > **ARTIFACTS** tab ![Pipeline task info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_task_info.png#light-mode-only) ![Pipeline task info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_task_info_dark.png#dark-mode-only) To view a specific step's information, click the step on the execution graph, and the info panel displays its **STEP INFO**. The panel displays the step's name, task type, and status, as well as its parameters, metrics, artifacts, and models. ![Step info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_info.png#light-mode-only) ![Step info](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_info_dark.png#dark-mode-only) To return to viewing the run's information, click the pipeline graph, outside any of the steps. ### Run and Step Details Panel Click on **DETAILS** on the top left of the info panel to view the pipeline controller's details panel. To view a step's details panel, click **DETAILS** and then click on a step node, or hover over a step node and click details. The details panel includes three tabs: * **Preview** - View debug samples and plots attached to the pipeline controller or step ![preview](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_debug.png#light-mode-only) ![preview](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_debug_dark.png#dark-mode-only) * **Console** - The console log for the pipeline controller or steps: contains everything printed to stdout and stderr. ![console](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_console.png#light-mode-only) ![console](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_console_dark.png#dark-mode-only) * **Code** - For pipeline steps generated from functions using either [`PipelineController.add_function_step`](../../references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinecontroller.md#add_function_step) or [`PipelineDecorator.component`](../../references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinedecorator.md#pipelinedecoratorcomponent), you can view the selected step's code. ![code](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_code.png#light-mode-only) ![code](../../img/webapp_pipeline_step_code_dark.png#dark-mode-only) Click Expand on the details panel header to view the panel in full screen.