--- title: Auto-logging Experiments --- In ClearML, experiments are organized as [Tasks](../fundamentals/task.md). When you integrate the ClearML SDK with your code, the ClearML task manager automatically captures: * Source code and uncommitted changes * Installed packages * General information such as machine details, runtime, creation date etc. * Model files, parameters, scalars, and plots from popular ML frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch (see list of [supported frameworks](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#automatic-logging)) * Console output :::tip Automatic logging control To control what ClearML automatically logs, see this [FAQ](../faq.md#controlling_logging). ::: ## To Auto-log Your Experiments 1. Install `clearml` and connect it to the ClearML Server (see [instructions](../clearml_sdk/clearml_sdk.md)) 1. At the beginning of your code, import the `clearml` package: ```python from clearml import Task ``` :::tip Full Automatic Logging To ensure full automatic logging, it is recommended to import the `clearml` package at the top of your entry script. ::: 1. Initialize the Task object in your `main()` function, or the beginning of the script. ```python task = Task.init(project_name='great project', task_name='best task') ``` If the project does not already exist, a new one is created automatically. The console should display the following output: ``` ClearML Task: created new task id=1ca59ef1f86d44bd81cb517d529d9e5a 2021-07-25 13:59:09 ClearML results page: https://app.clear.ml/projects/4043a1657f374e9298649c6ba72ad233/experiments/1ca59ef1f86d44bd81cb517d529d9e5a/output/log 2025-01-25 13:59:16 ``` 1. Click the results page link to go to the [task's detail page in the ClearML WebApp](../webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md), where you can monitor the task's status, view all its logged data, visualize its results, and more!   **That's it!** You are done integrating ClearML with your code :) Now, [command-line arguments](../fundamentals/hyperparameters.md#tracking-hyperparameters), [console output](../fundamentals/logger.md#types-of-logged-results), TensorBoard and Matplotlib, and much more will automatically be logged in the UI under the created Task. Sit back, relax, and watch your models converge :)