title: User Settings
In the **User Settings** section, manage your personal account details, configure system behavior, and set up
credentials for ClearML services.
## Profile
The profile tab presents user information.
**To edit the username:**
1. Hover over the username
1. Click
1. Change the name
1. Click
## Configuration
### Customizing UI Behavior
Under **USER PREFERENCES**, users can set a few web UI options:
* **Show Hidden Projects** - Show ClearML infrastructure projects alongside your own projects. Disabled by default. When
enabled, these projects are labeled with
* **Don't show ClearML examples** - Hide the preloaded ClearML example content (project, pipeline, dataset, etc.).
* **Disable HiDPI browser scale override** - ClearML dynamically sets the browser scaling factor for an optimal page layout.
Disable for default desktop scale.
* **Don't show pro tips periodically** - Stop showing ClearML usage tips on login. Disabled by default.
* **Block running user's scripts in the browser** - Block any user and 3rd party scripts from running anywhere in the
WebApp. Note that if enabled, the WebApp will not display debug samples, [Hyper-Dataset frame previews](../../hyperdatasets/previews.md),
and embedded resources in [reports](../webapp_reports.md).
* **Hide specific container arguments** - Specify which Docker environment variable values should be hidden in logs.
When printed, the variable values are replaced with `********`. By default, `CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY`, `CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS`,
`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, and `AZURE_STORAGE_KEY` values are redacted. To modify the hidden container argument list, click **Edit**.
:::info Self-hosted ClearML Server
The self-hosted ClearML Server has an additional option to enable sharing anonymous telemetry data with the ClearML
engineering team.
### Browser Cloud Storage Access
Provide cloud storage access, so the browser will be able to display your cloud stored data, such as debug samples.
In the **Web App Cloud Access** section, enter the following credentials:
* **Bucket** - The name of a Cloud bucket.
* **Key** - The access key.
* **Secret / SAS** - The secret key or shared access signature if required.
* **Token** - For S3 services, session key for temporary credentials (if applicable).
* **AWS Region** - The region for AWS S3.
* **Host (Endpoint)** - The host for non-AWS S3 servers.
## Workspace
### Multiple Workspaces
:::info ClearML Hosted Service Feature
Multiple workspaces is only available on the ClearML Hosted Service
ClearML Hosted Service users can be members of multiple workspaces, which are listed under **WORKSPACE**.
To switch to another workspace, click on the **SWITCH TO WORKSPACE** button next to the name of the workspace you want
to switch to.

### ClearML API Credentials
Generate ClearML credentials, made up of an access and secret key pair, and insert them into your [configuration file](../../configs/clearml_conf.md)
or Jupyter Notebook to grant the ClearML SDK and the ClearML Agent API access to the server.
You can create credentials for any workspace that you are a member of.
**To create ClearML credentials:**
1. In **WORKSPACE**, expand the desired workspace's panel (self-deployed ClearML Server users have one workspace)
1. In **API Credentials**, click **+ Create new credentials**
1. In the dialog that pops up, you can input a label for the new credentials
The dialog displays new credentials, formatted as a ready-to-copy configuration file section (including server configuration