--- title: Windows --- **To upgrade ClearML Server Docker deployment:** 1. Shut down the docker containers. 1. Execute one of the following commands, depending upon the version that is being upgraded: * Upgrading ClearML Server version: ``` docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml down ``` * Upgrading from **Trains Server** to **ClearML Server**: ``` docker-compose -f c:\opt\trains\docker-compose-win10.yml down ``` 1. If upgrading from **Trains Server** version 0.15 or older, a data migration is required before continuing this upgrade. See instructions [here](clearml_server_es7_migration.md). 1. If upgrading from ClearML Server version older than 1.2, you need to migrate your data before upgrading your server. See instructions [here](clearml_server_mongo44_migration.md). 1. Backing up data is recommended, and if the configuration folder is not empty, backing up the configuration. :::note For example, if the configuration is in ``c:\opt\clearml``, then backup ``c:\opt\clearml\config`` and ``c:\opt\clearml\data``. Before restoring, remove the old artifacts in ``c:\opt\clearml\config`` and ``c:\opt\clearml\data``, and then restore. ::: 1. If upgrading from **Trains Server** to **ClearML Server**, rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`. 1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file. ``` curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allegroai/clearml-server/master/docker/docker-compose-win10.yml -o c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml ``` 1. Startup ClearML Server. This automatically pulls the latest ClearML Server build. ``` docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml pull docker-compose -f c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml up -d ``` If issues arise during your upgrade, see the FAQ page, [How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?](../faq.md#common-docker-upgrade-errors).