--- title: Sources --- Each frame contains `sources`, a list of dictionaries containing: * Attributes of the source data (image raw data) * A `URI` pointing to the source data (image or video) * Sources for [masks](masks.md) used in semantic segmentation * Image [previews](previews.md), which are thumbnails used in the ClearML Enterprise WebApp (UI). `sources` does not contain: * `rois` even though ROIs are directly associated with the images and `masks` in `sources` * ROI metadata, because ROIs can be used over multiple frames. Instead, frames contain a top-level `rois` array, which is a list of ROI dictionaries, where each dictionary contains a list of source IDs. Those IDs connect `sources` to ROIs. ## Examples The examples below demonstrate the `sources` section of a Frame for different types of content. ### Example 1: Video Sources This example demonstrates `sources` for video. <details className="cml-expansion-panel info"> <summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">Example 1</summary> <div className="cml-expansion-panel-content"> ```json /* video from one of four cameras on car */ "sources": [ { "id": "front", "content_type": "video/mp4", "width": 800, "height": 600, "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/front.mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889, "meta" :{ "angle":45, "fov":129 }, }, { "id": "rear", "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/rear.mp4", "content_type": "video/mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889 } ``` </div> </details> <br/> The `sources` example above details a video from a car that has two cameras. One camera is the source with the ID `front` and the other is the source with the ID `rear`. `sources` includes the following information about the Frame: * `content_type` - The video is an `mp4` file * `width` and `height` - Each frame in the video is `800` pixels by `600` pixels, * `uri` - The raw data is located in `s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/front.mp4` and `s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/rear.mp4` (the front and rear camera, respectively) * `timestamp` - This indicates the absolute position of the frame in the video * `meta` - Additional metadata is included for the angle of the camera (`angle`) and its field of vision (`fov`). :::note Sources includes a variety of content types. This example shows mp4 video. ::: ### Example 2: Images Sources This example demonstrates `sources` images. <details className="cml-expansion-panel info"> <summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">Example 2</summary> <div className="cml-expansion-panel-content"> ```json /* camera images */ "sources": [ { "id": "default", "content_type": "png", "width": 800, "height": 600, "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_images/imag1000.png", "timestamp": 0, } ``` </div> </details> <br/> The `sources` of this frame contains the following information: * `content_type` - This frame contains an image in `png` format. * `width` and `height` - It is `800` px by `600` px, * `uri` - The raw data is located in `https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_images/imag1000.png` * `timestamp` is 0 (timestamps are used for video). ### Example 3: Sources and Regions of Interest This example demonstrates `sources` for video, `masks`, and `preview`. <details className="cml-expansion-panel info"> <summary className="cml-expansion-panel-summary">Example 3</summary> <div className="cml-expansion-panel-content"> ```json { "timestamp": 1234567889, "context_id": "car_1", "meta": { "velocity": "60" }, "sources": [ { "id": "front", "content_type": "video/mp4", "width": 800, "height": 600, "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/front.mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889, "meta" :{ "angle":45, "fov":129 }, "preview": { "content_type": "image/jpg", "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_previews/car_1/front_preview.jpg", "timestamp": 0 }, "masks": [ { "id": "seg", "content_type": "video/mp4", "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/seg_masks/car_1/front_seg.mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889 }, { "id": "instances_seg", "content_type": "video/mp4", "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/seg_masks/car_1/front_instance_seg.mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889 } ] }, { "id": "rear", "uri": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/rear.mp4", "content_type": "video/mp4", "timestamp": 1234567889 } ], "rois": [ { "sources":["front"], "label": ["right_lane"], "mask": { "id": "seg", "value": [-1, 1, 255] } }, { "sources": ["front"], "label": ["bike"], "poly":[30, 50, 50,50, 100,50, 100,100], "meta": { "velocity": 5.4 } }, { "sources": ["front", "rear"], "label": ["car"], "poly":[30, 50, 50,50, 100,50, 100,100] } ] } ``` </div> </details> <br/> This frame shows the `masks` section in `sources`, and the top-level `rois` array. In `sources`, the `masks` subsection contains the sources for the two masks associated with the raw data. The raw mask data is located in: * `https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_cars/car_1/front.mp4` * `https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_previews/car_1/front_preview.jpg` In `rois`, the `mask` section is associated with its `masks` source using the `id` key. In this example: * In the `rois` array, there is a region of interest that has a `mask` with the ID `seg` and an RGB value * The `masks` section in `sources` contains the location of each mask. The first dictionary of `masks` details the mask with the ID `seg`. The ID connects it to the `seg` mask in `rois` `sources` also contains the source of a preview. It is located in: `https://s3.amazonaws.com/my_previews/car_1/front_preview.jpg`.