title: Version 3.23

### Enterprise Server 3.23.1

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix UI Orchestration's Workers and Queues tabs do not update in real time when auto-refresh is enabled 
* Fix incorrect and redundant legends in UI experiment plot comparisons 

### Enterprise Server 3.23.0

**Default Behavior Change for Object Access (Access Rules)**
* Users can only access objects as explicitly specified by the access rules applied to them. If users can no longer 
access objects (Projects, Tasks, Datasets etc.) they had previously created, verify access rules exist that provide the 
user access to these objects or their containing project.

**New Features**
* New ClearML Model dashboard: View all live model endpoints in a single location, complete with real time metrics reporting.
* New UI pipeline run table comparative view: compare plots and scalars of selected pipeline runs
* New UI setting for configuring cloud storage credentials with which ClearML can clean up cloud storage artifacts on task deletion. 
* Add UI re-enqueue of failed tasks
* Add configuration vaults for service accounts 
* Add administrator vaults for UI storage credential to allow centralized configuration of storage credentials for UI access for designated user groups 
* Add "All sources" view to UI Hyper-Dataset frame viewer
* Add task recent event log to UI task information 
* Add UI experiment scalar results table view
* Add show/hide specific frame annotations in UI Hyper-Dataset frame viewer
* Add UI edit of default Project default output destination

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix broken download links to artifacts stored in Azure ([ClearML Server GitHub issue #247](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/issues/247))
* Fix Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (CWE-79)
* Fix UI experiment textual comparison diff showing contextual diffs as different contents ([ClearML GitHub issue #646](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/646))
* Fix Model API calls fail when its creating task has been deleted ([ClearML GitHub issue #1299](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1299))
* Fix UI plots display "Iteration 0" when it is the only reported iteration ([ClearML GitHub issue #1267](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1267))
* Fix scalar series starting with angle bracket (`<`) causes UI scalar plot legend to display raw html ([ClearML GitHub issue #1292](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1292)) 
* Fix auto-refresh modifies UI experiment debug sample view ([ClearML GitHub issue #1259](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1259)) 
* Fix Hydra parameters not displaying correctly in UI experiment comparison parallel coordinates plot
* Fix UI pipeline DAG display to be "bottoms-up" so all final steps appear in the bottom of the diagram ([ClearML Web GitHub PR #86](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-web/pull/86))
* Fix UI experiment comparison does not overlay box plots and histograms ([ClearML GitHub issue #1298](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/1298))
* Fix modifying UI experiment input models does not work
* Fix UI Reports image upload not working
* Fix active masks labels not displaying in UI annotation task frame viewer 
* Fix UI Hyper-Dataset version status does not update when published
* Fix UI model hidden plot selection does not persist upon refresh
* Fix deleting large number of experiments via UI not working properly
* Fix experiment name legend not displayed in UI experiment plot comparison 
* Fix archiving pipeline run does not abort pipeline step tasks
* Fix "Restore" and "Delete" buttons missing from UI experiment archive action bar
* Fix UI Resource Configuration allows same-named profile-pool links
* Fix UI experiment debug sample viewer sometimes displays incorrect sample
* Fix UI Resource Policy creation policy modal pops up unnecessarily
* Fix UI Resource Policy creation modal does not display newly created user groups as an assignment option
* Fix UI applications do not display indication that running instance limit has been reached
* Fix UI Settings' Configuration section does not display indication that the number of credentials limit has been reached
* Fix iteration number not displayed in titles of confusion matrix and table plots in UI experiment comparison
* Fix "Create new" option not displaying when inputting project name in UI Report creation modal
* Fix running experiment that is archived continues running
* Fix adding second resource policy to resource group does not assign the policy
* Fix UI experiment requires Git information when repository isn't set
* Fix pipeline run version not set when re-executed via the UI
* Fix UI DataView successfully created with identical IDs in label enumeration
* Fix UI DataView created successfully when "Limit Frames" repetition option is selected, but the maximum number of frames is not set
* Fix moving a enqueued experiment to a new UI queue results in error 
* Fix metric and hyperparameter group string not searchable in UI table