--- title: PyTorch MNIST --- The [pytorch_mnist.py](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/frameworks/pytorch/pytorch_mnist.py) example demonstrates the integration of ClearML into code that uses PyTorch. The example script does the following: * Trains a simple deep neural network on the PyTorch built-in [MNIST](https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/datasets.html#mnist) dataset. * Creates an experiment named `pytorch mnist train`, which is associated with the `examples` project. * ClearML automatically logs `argparse` command line options, and models (and their snapshots) created by PyTorch * Additional metrics are logged by calling the [Logger.report_scalar](../../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_scalar) method. ## Scalars In the example script's `train` function, the following code explicitly reports scalars to ClearML: ```python Logger.current_logger().report_scalar( "train", "loss", iteration=(epoch * len(train_loader) + batch_idx), value=loss.item() ) ``` In the `test` method, the code explicitly reports `loss` and `accuracy` scalars. ```python Logger.current_logger().report_scalar( "test", "loss", iteration=epoch, value=test_loss ) Logger.current_logger().report_scalar( "test", "accuracy", iteration=epoch, value=(correct / len(test_loader.dataset)) ) ``` These scalars can be visualized in plots, which appear in the ClearML [web UI](../../../webapp/webapp_overview.md), in the experiment's page **>** **SCALARS**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_mnist_07.png) ## Hyperparameters ClearML automatically logs command line options defined with `argparse`. They appear in **CONFIGURATIONS** **>** **HYPER PARAMETERS** **>** **Args**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_mnist_01.png) ## Console Text printed to the console for training progress, as well as all other console output, appear in **CONSOLE**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_mnist_06.png) ## Artifacts Models created by the experiment appear in the experiment’s **ARTIFACTS** tab. ClearML automatically logs and tracks models and any snapshots created using PyTorch. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_mnist_02.png) Clicking on the model name takes you to the [model’s page](../../../webapp/webapp_model_viewing.md), where you can view the model’s details and access the model. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_mnist_03.png)