title: Model

The following page provides an overview of the basic Pythonic interface to ClearML Models.

ClearML provides the following classes to work with models:
* `Model` - represents an experiment's output model (training results). An OutputModel is always connected to a [task](../fundamentals/task.md). 
* `InputModel` - represents an existing ClearML model to be used in an experiment.
* `OutputModel` - represents a ClearML model, regardless of any task connection.

## Output Models

### Manually Logging Models  

To manually log a model, create an instance of OutputModel class. 

from clearml import OutputModel, Task

# Instantiate a Task 
task = Task.init(project_name="myProject", task_name="myTask")

# Create an output model for the PyTorch framework
output_model = OutputModel(task=task, framework="PyTorch")

You can set the destination the model will be uploaded to and its label enumeration using the
[`OutputModel.set_upload_destination`](../references/sdk/model_outputmodel.md#set_upload_destination) and 
[`OutputModel.update_labels`](../references/sdk/model_outputmodel.md#update_labels) methods respectively.

# Set the URI of the storage destination for uploaded model weight files

# Set the label numeration
output_model.update_labels({'background': 0, 'label': 255})

### Updating Models
ClearML doesn’t automatically log the snapshots of manually logged models. To update an experiment’s model use the 
[OutputModel.update_weights](../references/sdk/model_outputmodel.md#update_weights) method.

# If validation shows this network is the best so far, update the output model
if val_log['iou'] > best_iou:

* Specify either the path of a local weights file to upload (`weights_filename`), or the network location of a remote 
  weights file (`registered_uri`).
* Use the `upload_uri` argument to explicitly specify an upload destination for the weights file.
* Model metadata 
  * `update_comment` - update the model's description
  * `iteration` - input the iteration number 

Alternatively, update a model through its associated task, using the [`Task.update_output_model`](../references/sdk/task.md#update_output_model)

## Input Models

### Using Registered Models

To use a ClearML model as an input model, create an InputModel object and [connect](../references/sdk/task.md#connect) 
it to a task.

# Create an input model using the ClearML ID of a model already registered in the ClearML platform
input_model = InputModel(model_id="fd8b402e874549d6944eebd49e37eb7b")

# Connect the input model to the task

### Importing Models

To import an existing model, use the [`InputModel.import_model`](../references/sdk/model_outputmodel.md#inputmodelimport_model) 
class method and specify the `weights_url` - the URL for the imported model. If the URL already exists in the ClearML 
server, it is reused. Otherwise, a new model is registered.

Then [connect](../references/sdk/task.md#connect) the model to a task. 

# Instantiate a Task 
task = Task.init(project_name="examples", task_name="example task")

input_model = InputModel.import_model(
    # Name for model in ClearML
    name='Input Model with Network Design',
    # Import the model using a URL
    # Set label enumeration values
    label_enumeration={'person' : 1, 'car' : 2, 'truck' : 3, 'bus' : 4,
                       'motorcycle' : 5, 'bicycle' : 6, 'ignore': -1},

# Connect the input model to the task

## Querying Models
Retrieve a list of model objects by querying the system by model names, projects, tags, and more, using the 
[`Model.query_models`](../references/sdk/model_model.md#modelquery_models) and / or 
the [`InputModel.query_models`](../references/sdk/model_inputmodel.md#inputmodelquery_models) class methods. These 
methods return a list of model objects that match the queries. The list is ordered according to the models’ last update 

When you query models by tags, use the `-` prefix in order to filter out models with that tag.

model_list = Model.query_models(
    # Only models from `examples` project
    # Only models with input name
    # Only models with `demo` tag but without `TF` tag
    tags=['demo', '-TF'],
    # If `True`, only published models
    # If `True`, include archived models
    # Maximum number of models returned
    # Only models with matching metadata

## SDK Reference

For information about all model methods, see the following SDK reference pages:
* [Model](../references/sdk/model_model.md)
* [InputModel](../references/sdk/model_inputmodel.md)
* [OutputModel](../references/sdk/model_outputmodel.md)