title: Version 1.16

### ClearML 1.16.5

**New Features**
* Add `sdk.development.artifacts.auto_pickle` configuration option to support changing the default pickle behavior when 
uploading artifacts
* Add `silent_on_errors` argument to `Task.delete_artifacts()` (default `False`)
* Add support for last change time in triggers using tags
* Add `Task.request_external_endpoint()` to request external endpoints on supported backends

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix `clearml-data search` CLI error if dataset version is `None` ([ClearML GitHub issue #1329](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1321))
* Fix `maxfile` attribute dropped in `psutil` v6.0.0 causing an error to be printed
* Fix `api.auth.req_token_expiration_sec` configuration option to `api.auth.request_token_expiration_sec` (matches agent setting, keep backwards compatibility)
* Bump six version due to Python 3.12 issue with `six.moves`
* Fix bar charts with only one bar are not reported correctly

### ClearML 1.16.4

**New Features**
* Add custom task binary support to `clearml-task` and `CreateAndPopulate` (allows bash script execution, requires agent version `>=1.9.0`)
* Add support for a default extension name when uploading a pandas `dataframe` artifact (see `sdk.development.artifacts.default_pandas_dataframe_extension_name` 
configuration option)
* Add `verify` field support for downloadable URL instead of a file path (see `sdk.aws.s3` configuration section)

**Bug Fix**
* Fix valid model URL might be overridden by an invalid one in case the upload failed

### ClearML 1.16.3

**New Features and Improvements**
* Add `--tags` option to `clearml-task` ([ClearML GitHub issue #1284](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1284))
* Add `retries` parameter to `StorageManager.upload_folder()` ([ClearML GitHub issue #1305](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1305))
* Add `clearml-task` and `CreateAndPopulate` support for bash scripts, ipynb, and python modules (requires `clearml-agent v1.9+`)
* Add support for HTTP file upload progress reporting
* Add `CLEARML_MULTI_NODE_SINGLE_TASK` (values -1, 0, 1, 2) for easier multi-node single Task workloads
* Add `Model.original_task` property to models
* Change `Model.task` property to return connected task

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix Kerastuner framework and examples ([ClearML GitHub issue #1279](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1279))
* Fix scalar logging bug with Fire ([ClearML GitHub issue #1300](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1300))
* Fix support passing folder to `Task.get_script_info()` to get the git info
* Fix `Task.launch_multi_node()` to enforce the parent of sub-tasks to be the master node 0 task
* Fix tensorboard numpy 2.0 incompatibility breaks binding
* Fix `Task.launch_multi_node()` not supported when used via Pytorch Lightning
* Fix Jupyter notebook packages and uncommitted changes are sometimes not fetched
* Fix `"can't create new thread at interpreter shutdown"` errors (known issue with Python v3.12.0 and other versions)
* Fix injected task import in `Task.populate()`
* Fix dataset with external links will not reuse downloaded data from parents
* Fix hierarchy for pipeline nodes without args
* Fix when abort callback is set, set task status to stopped only if running locally, otherwise leave it for the Agent to set it
* Fix `jsonschema` / `referencing` import to include `TypeError` protection
* Fix Dataset offline behavior

### ClearML 1.16.2

**New Features and Improvements**
* Make dataset preview optional ([ClearML GitHub issue #1227](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1227))
* Add `api.public_ip_ping` (default: ``) and `api.public_ip_service_urls` (default: `["api.ipify.org";, "ident.me";]`) 
configuration settings to detect public IP and network interface

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix python-fire integration ([ClearML GitHub issue #1268](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1268))
* Fix path substitution for `file://` URIs (ClearML GitHub issues [#1217](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1217)
and [#1233](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1233))
* Fix numpy 2.0 compatibility (`np.NINF` removed)
* Fix no need to recreate reporter if forking and reporting in subprocess
* Fix forked detection mechanism

### ClearML 1.16.1

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix pipeline breaks when `continue_on_abort` is set to `true`
* Fix Pycharm Plugin Windows/Linux interoperability

### ClearML 1.16.0

**New Features**
* Add additional warning instructing on how to install in case we failed detecting a Jupyter notebook with an import error
* Add `Task.get_executed_queue()` to get the name/ID of the queue a task was executed in
* Move `Task.set_resource_monitor_iteration_timeout()` to a class method, add `wait_for_first_iteration_to_start_sec` 
and `max_wait_for_first_iteration_to_start_sec` arguments (also add `sdk.development.worker.wait_for_first_iteration_to_start_sec` 
and `sdk.development.worker.max_wait_for_first_iteration_to_start_sec` configuration options)
* Add support for better pipeline continue behavior including control of children using the `continue_behaviour` argument
* Add Python 3.12 support

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix pytorch-lightning patches ([ClearML GitHub issue #1249](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1249))
* Fix parameter overrides are converted to string when using HPO ([ClearML GitHub issue #975](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/975))
* Fix FastAI performance ([ClearML GitHub issue #1234](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/1234))
* Fix MIG GPU support
* Fix AMD GPU metrics collection
* Fix Jupyter password might not be used in some protected JupyterLab instances
* Fix URL substitution was not applied to registered uploaded files when reporting an event