--- title: Remote Execution --- :::note This guide assumes that you've already set up [ClearML](../clearml_sdk/clearml_sdk_setup.md) and [ClearML Agent](../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_setup.md). ::: ClearML Agent enables seamless remote execution by offloading computations from a local development environment to a more powerful remote machine. This is useful for: * Running initial process (a task or function) locally before scaling up. * Offloading resource-intensive tasks to dedicated compute nodes. * Managing execution through ClearML's queue system. This guide focuses on transitioning a locally executed process to a remote machine for scalable execution. To learn how to reproduce a previously executed process on a remote machine, see [Reproducing Task Runs](reproduce_tasks.md). ## Running a Task Remotely A compelling workflow is: 1. Run code on a development machine for a few iterations, or just set up the environment. 1. Move the execution to a beefier remote machine for the actual training. Use [`Task.execute_remotely()`](../references/sdk/task.md#execute_remotely) to implement this workflow. This method stops the current manual execution, and then re-runs it on a remote machine. 1. Deploy a `clearml-agent` from your beefier remote machine and assign it to the `default` queue: ```commandline clearml-agent daemon --queue default ``` 1. Run the local code to send to the remote machine for execution: ```python from clearml import Task task = Task.init(project_name="myProject", task_name="myTask") # training code task.execute_remotely( queue_name='default', clone=False, exit_process=True ) ``` Once `execute_remotely()` is called on the machine, it stops the local process and enqueues the current task into the `default` queue. From there, an agent assigned to the queue can pull and launch it. ## Running a Function Remotely You can execute a specific function remotely using [`Task.create_function_task()`](../references/sdk/task.md#create_function_task). This method creates a ClearML Task from a Python function and runs it on a remote machine. For example: ```python from clearml import Task task = Task.init(project_name="myProject", task_name="Remote function") def run_me_remotely(some_argument): print(some_argument) a_func_task = task.create_function_task( func=run_me_remotely, func_name='func_id_run_me_remotely', task_name='a func task', # everything below will be passed directly to our function as arguments some_argument=123 ) ``` :::important Function Task Creation Function tasks must be created from within a regular task, created by calling `Task.init` ::: Arguments passed to the function will be automatically logged in the task's **CONFIGURATION** tab under the **HYPERPARAMETERS > Function section**. Like any other arguments, they can be changed from the UI or programmatically.