Important: Upgrading from v0.14 or older
For Linux only, if upgrading from Trains Server v0.14 or older, configure the ClearML Agent Services.
* If ``CLEARML_HOST_IP`` is not provided, then **ClearML Agent Services** will use the external public address of the **ClearML Server**.
* If ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER`` / ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS`` are not provided, then **ClearML Agent Services** will not be able to access any private repositories for running service tasks.
export CLEARML_HOST_IP=server_host_ip_here
export CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER=git_username_here
export CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS=git_password_here
For backwards compatibility, the environment variables ``TRAINS_HOST_IP``, ``TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_USER``, and ``TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_PASS`` are supported.