--- title: ClearML Agent Environment Variables --- This page lists the available environment variables for configuring ClearML Agent. :::info ClearML's environment variables override the [clearml.conf file](../configs/clearml_conf.md), SDK, and [configuration vault](../webapp/webapp_profile.md#configuration-vault), but can be overridden by command-line arguments. ::: |Name| Description | |---|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |**CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE** | Sets the default docker image to use when running an agent in [Docker mode](../clearml_agent.md#docker-mode) | |**CLEARML_WORKER_NAME** | Sets the Worker's name | |**CLEARML_WORKER_ID** | Sets the Worker ID | |**CLEARML_CUDA_VERSION** | Sets the CUDA version to be used | |**CLEARML_CUDNN_VERSION** | Sets the CUDNN version to be used | |**CLEARML_CPU_ONLY** | Force CPU only mode | |**CLEARML_DOCKER_SKIP_GPUS_FLAG** | Skips the GPUs flag (support for docker V18 | |**CLEARML_AGENT_DOCKER_ARGS_HIDE_ENV** | Hide Docker environment variables containing secrets when printing out the Docker command. When printed, the variable values will be replaced by `********`. See [`agent.hide_docker_command_env_vars`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#hide_docker) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_DISABLE_SSH_MOUNT** | Disables the auto `.ssh` mount into the docker | |**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_CODE_DIR**| Allows overriding the remote execution code directory to bypass repository cloning and use a repo already available where the remote agent is running. | |**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_EXEC_SCRIPT**| Allows overriding the remote execution script to bypass repository cloning and execute code already available where the remote agent is running. Use `module:file.py` format to specify a module and a script to execute (e.g. `.:main.py` to run `main.py` from the working dir)| |**CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_SYSTEM_SITE_PACKAGES** | If set to `true`, overrides default [`agent.package_manager.system_site_packages: true`](../configs/clearml_conf.md#system_site_packages) behavior when running tasks in containers (docker mode and k8s-glue)| |**CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_CLONE_VERBOSE**| If set to `true`, `git clone` calls will report progress verbosely | |**CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER** | Sets the Git user for ClearML Agent | |**CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS** | Sets the Git password for ClearML Agent | |**CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_HOST** | Sets Git host (only sending login to this host) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_EXEC_USER** | User for Agent executing tasks (root by default) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_EXTRA_DOCKER_ARGS** | Overrides extra docker args configuration | |**CLEARML_AGENT_EXTRA_DOCKER_LABELS** | List of labels to add to docker container. See [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/config/labels-custom-metadata/). | |**CLEARML_EXTRA_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS**| List of additional flags to use when the agent installs packages. For example: `["--use-deprecated=legacy-resolver", ]`| |**CLEARML_AGENT_EXTRA_PYTHON_PATH** | Sets extra python path | |**CLEARML_AGENT_INITIAL_CONNECT_RETRY_OVERRIDE** | Overrides initial server connection behavior (true by default), allows explicit number to specify number of connect retries) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_NO_UPDATE** | Boolean. Set to `true` to skip agent update in the k8s pod container before the agent executes the task | |**CLEARML_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT / CLEARML_AGENT_DOCKER_HOST_MOUNT** | Specifies Agent's mount point for Docker / K8s | |**CLEARML_AGENT_TEMP_STDOUT_FILE_DIR**|Allows overriding the default `/tmp` location for agent temporary files| |**CLEARML_K8S_GLUE_START_AGENT_SCRIPT_PATH** | Provide an alternate path to place the agent startup script generated inside a k8s task pod (instead of the default `~/~/__start_agent__.sh`) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_PACKAGE_PYTORCH_RESOLVE**|Sets the PyTorch resolving mode. The options are: | |**CLEARML_AGENT_DEBUG_INFO** | Provide additional debug information for a specific context (currently only the `docker` value is supported) | |**CLEARML_AGENT_CHILD_AGENTS_COUNT_CMD** | Provide an alternate bash command to list child agents while working in services mode | |**CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PIP_VENV_INSTALL** | Skips Python virtual env installation on execute and provides a custom venv binary | |**CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_PYTHON_ENV_INSTALL** | Skips entire Python venv installation and assumes python as well as every dependency is preinstalled | |**CLEARML_AGENT_VENV_CACHE_PATH** | Overrides venv cache folder configuration |