--- title: ClearML Server --- ## What is ClearML Server? The **ClearML Server** is the backend service infrastructure for **ClearML**. It allows multiple users to collaborate and manage their experiments by working seamlessly with the **ClearML Python Package** and [**ClearML Agent**](clearml_agent.md). **ClearML Server** is composed of the following: * Web server including the **ClearML Web UI**, which is the user interface for tracking, comparing, and managing experiments. * API server which a RESTful API for: * Documenting and logging experiments, including information, statistics, and results. * Querying experiments history, logs, and results. * File server which stores media and models making them easily accessible using the **ClearML Web UI**. The [**ClearML Hosted Service**](https://app.community.clear.ml) is essentially the **ClearML Server** maintained for you.  **ClearML Web UI** is the **ClearML** user interface and is part of **ClearML Server**. Use the **ClearML Web UI** to: * Track experiments * Compare experiments * Manage experiments For detailed information about the **ClearML Web UI**, see [User Interface](../webapp/webapp_home.md). ClearML Server also comes with a [services agent](../clearml_agent.md#services-mode) preinstalled. ## Deployment The **ClearML Server** can be deployed in any of the formats listed below. Once deployed, configure the server for web login authentication, sub-domains, and load balancers, and use any of its many configuration settings. **To deploy your own ClearML Server:** 1. Deploy ``clearml-server`` using any of the available formats, which include: * Pre-built [AWS EC2 AMIs](clearml_server_aws_ec2_ami.md) * Pre-built [Google Cloud Platform custom images](clearml_server_gcp.md) * Pre-built Docker images for [Linux](clearml_server_linux_mac.md), [macOS](clearml_server_linux_mac.md), and [Windows 10](clearml_server_win.md) * [Kubernetes using Helm](clearml_server_kubernetes_helm.md) 1. Optionally, [configure ClearML Server](clearml_server_config.md) for additional features, including sub-domains and load balancers, web login authentication, and the non-responsive task watchdog. 1. [Configure ClearML for ClearML Server](clearml_config_for_clearml_server.md) ## Updating When necessary, upgrade your ClearML Server on any of the available formats: * [AWS EC2 AMIs](upgrade_server_aws_ec2_ami.md) * [Google Cloud Platform](upgrade_server_gcp.md) * [Linux or MacOS](upgrade_server_linux_mac.md) * [Windows 10](upgrade_server_win.md) * [Kubernetes using Helm](upgrade_server_kubernetes_helm.md). If you are using v0.15 or Older, [upgrade to ClearML Server](clearml_server_es7_migration.md).