--- title: AWS EC2 AMIs --- :::important This documentation page applies to deploying your own open source ClearML Server. It does not apply to ClearML Hosted Service users. ::: Deployment of **ClearML Server** on AWS is easily performed using AWS AMIs, which are available in the AWS Marketplace catalog and in the AWS community AMI catalog. * AWS Marketplace ClearML Server is coming soon - Preconfigured with unique initial access credentials. Until it arrives, use [AWS Marketplace Trains Server](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B085D8W5NM) with the instructions on the page. * [ClearML Server community AMIs](#clearml-server-aws-community-amis) - Configured by default without authentication to allow quick access and onboarding. After deploying either type of AMI, configure the ClearML Server instance to provide the authentication scheme that best matches the workflow. For information about upgrading a ClearML Server in an AWS instance, see [here](upgrade_server_aws_ec2_ami.md). :::important If ClearML Server is being reinstalled, we recommend clearing browser cookies for ClearML Server. For example, for Firefox, go to Developer Tools > Storage > Cookies, and for Chrome, go to Developer Tools > Application > Cookies, and delete all cookies under the ClearML Server URL. ::: ## Launching :::warning By default, **ClearML Server** deploys as an open network. To restrict **ClearML Server** access, follow the instructions in the [Security](clearml_server_security.md) page. ::: The minimum recommended amount of RAM is 8 GB. For example, a t3.large or t3a.large EC2 instance type would accommodate the recommended RAM size. ### AWS Community AMIs **To launch a ClearML Server AWS community AMI:** * Use one of the [ClearML Server AWS community AMIs](#clearml-server-aws-community-amis) and see: * The AWS Knowledge Center page, [How do I launch an EC2 instance from a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/launch-instance-custom-ami/) * Detailed instructions in the AWS Documentation for [Launching an Instance Using the Launch Instance Wizard](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/launching-instance.html). ### AWS Marketplace AMIs **To launch a ClearML Server AWS Marketplace AMI through the AWS Marketplace website:** 1. Open the AWS Marketplace for the [Allegro AI ClearML Server](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B085D8W5NM). 1. In the heading area, click **Continue to Subscribe**. 1. On the **Subscribe to software** page, click **Accept Terms**, and then click **Continue to Configuration**. 1. On the **Configure this software** page, complete the following: 1. In the **Fulfillment Option** list, select **64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)**. 1. In the **Software Version** list, select your **ClearML Server** version. For example, **0.13.0 (Mar 02, 2020)**. 1. In the **Region** list, select your region. 1. Click **Continue to Launch**. 1. On the **Launch this software** page, in the **Choose Action** list, select either of following options, and perform the steps for that option: * **Launch through EC2**: 1. Click **Launch**. 1. Follow the instructions on the [How do I launch an EC2 instance from a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/launch-instance-custom-ami/) AWS documentation page. * **Launch from Website**: 1. Select required settings: EC2 Instance Type, VPC Settings, Subnet Settings, Security Group Settings, and Key Pair Settings. 1. Click **Launch**. 1. On the **Launch this software** page, note your Instance ID. You can use it later to search for your instance in the EC2 Console. ## Accessing ClearML Server Once deployed, **ClearML Server** exposes the following services: * Web server on `TCP port 8080` * API server on `TCP port 8008` * File Server on `TCP port 8081` **To locate **ClearML Server** address:** 1. Go to AWS EC2 Console. 1. In the **Details** tab, **Public DNS (IPv4)** shows the **ClearML Server** address. **To access **ClearML Server** Web-App (UI):** * Direct browser to its web server URL: `http://<Server Address>:8080` **To SSH into ClearML Server:** * Log into the AWS AMI using the default username `ec2-user`. Control the SSH credentials from the AWS management console. ### Logging in to the Web-App (UI) **To log in to the **ClearML** Web-App (UI):** * If **ClearML Server** was launched from an AWS Community AMI, enter any name. * If **ClearML Server** was launched through the AWS Marketplace, enter the preconfigured default login credentials, which are: * **clearml-user** (the default username). * The **ClearML Server** EC2 instance ID (the default password). If needed, modify the default login behavior to match workflow policy, see [Configuring Web Login Authentication](clearml_server_config.md#web-login-authentication) on the "Configuring Your Own ClearML Server" page. ## Storage Configuration The pre-built **ClearML Server** storage configuration is the following: * MongoDB: `/opt/clearml/data/mongo/` * Elasticsearch: `/opt/clearml/data/elastic_7/` * File Server: `/mnt/fileserver/` ## Backing Up and Restoring Data and Configuration :::note If data is being moved between a **Trains Server** and a **ClearML Server** installation, make sure to use the correct paths for backup and restore (/opt/trains and /opt/clearml respectively). ::: The commands in this section are examples for backing up and restoring data and configuration. If data and configuration folders are in `/opt/clearml`, then archive all data into `~/clearml_backup_data.tgz`, and configuration into `~/clearml_backup_config.tgz`: ```bash sudo tar czvf ~/clearml_backup_data.tgz -C /opt/clearml/data . sudo tar czvf ~/clearml_backup_config.tgz -C /opt/clearml/config . ``` **If data and configuration need to be restored**: 1. Verify you have the backup files. 1. Replace any existing data with the backup data: ```bash sudo rm -fR /opt/clearml/data/* /opt/clearml/config/* sudo tar -xzf ~/clearml_backup_data.tgz -C /opt/clearml/data sudo tar -xzf ~/clearml_backup_config.tgz -C /opt/clearml/config ``` 1. Grant access to the data: ```bash sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/clearml ``` ## ClearML Server AWS Community AMIs The following section contains a list of AMI Image IDs per region for the latest **ClearML Server** version. ### Latest Version #### v1.1.1 * **eu-north-1** : ami-06833570c4f3e3852 * **ap-south-1** : ami-003c92550f0883688 * **eu-west-3** : ami-066c3b09c77ad818e * **eu-west-2** : ami-0cc7694d2a9930cdb * **eu-west-1** : ami-0bf0008b101d5a65e * **ap-northeast-3** : ami-09f8fdb9be8bf222c * **ap-northeast-2** : ami-0794d10bc2bab11e5 * **ap-northeast-1** : ami-04a0defce217de812 * **sa-east-1** : ami-0c8c3c36f3854b129 * **ca-central-1** : ami-0fc8d4042bb8ad486 * **ap-southeast-1** : ami-0ba7a6304bbdc5334 * **ap-southeast-2** : ami-09bcbb1a6f3d7eb09 * **eu-central-1** : ami-05b663d803a327cf9 * **us-east-2** : ami-0d950238960aee8d7 * **us-west-1** : ami-01b5a350bd3c07ce6 * **us-west-2** : ami-0f908183deb153e73 * **us-east-1** : ami-02b88185a2c89d72 ## Next Step * [Configuring ClearML for ClearML Server](clearml_config_for_clearml_server.md).