--- title: scikit-learn --- :::tip If you are not already using ClearML, see [ClearML Setup instructions](../clearml_sdk/clearml_sdk_setup). ::: ClearML integrates seamlessly with [scikit-learn](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/), automatically logging models created with `joblib`. All you have to do is simply add two lines of code to your scikit-learn script: ```python from clearml import Task task = Task.init(task_name="<task_name>", project_name="<project_name>") ``` And that's it! This creates a [ClearML Task](../fundamentals/task.md) which captures: * Source code and uncommitted changes * Installed packages * Joblib model files * Console output * General details such as machine details, runtime, creation date etc. * Hyperparameters created with standard Python packages (e.g. argparse, click, Python Fire, etc.) * And more You can view all the task details in the [WebApp](../webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md). ## Automatic Logging Control By default, when ClearML is integrated into your scikit-learn script, it captures models, and scalars. But, you may want to have more control over what your task logs. To control a task's framework logging, use the `auto_connect_frameworks` parameter of [`Task.init()`](../references/sdk/task.md#taskinit). Completely disable all automatic logging by setting the parameter to `False`. For finer grained control of logged frameworks, input a dictionary, with framework-boolean pairs. For example: ```python auto_connect_frameworks={ 'joblib': False, 'xgboost': True, 'catboost': True, 'tensorflow': True, 'tensorboard': True, 'pytorch': True, 'scikit': True, 'fastai': True, 'lightgbm': False, 'hydra': True, 'detect_repository': True, 'tfdefines': True, 'megengine': True } ``` You can also input wildcards as dictionary values, so ClearML will log a model created by a framework only if its local path matches at least one wildcard. For example, in the code below, ClearML will log joblib models only if their paths have the `.pkl` extension. The unspecified frameworks' values default to true so all their models are automatically logged. ```python auto_connect_frameworks={'joblib' : '*.pkl'} ``` ## Manual Logging To augment its automatic logging, ClearML also provides an explicit logging interface. See more information about explicitly logging information to a ClearML Task: * [Models](../clearml_sdk/model_sdk.md#manually-logging-models) * [Configuration](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#configuration) (e.g. parameters, configuration files) * [Artifacts](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#artifacts) (e.g. output files or Python objects created by a task) * [Scalars](../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#scalars) * [Text/Plots/Debug Samples](../fundamentals/logger.md#manual-reporting) See [Explicit Reporting Tutorial](../guides/reporting/explicit_reporting.md). ## Examples Take a look at ClearML's scikit-learn examples. The examples use scikit-learn and ClearML in different configurations with additional tools, like Matplotlib: * [scikit-learn with Joblib](../guides/frameworks/scikit-learn/sklearn_joblib_example.md) - Demonstrates ClearML automatically logging the models created with joblib and a scatter plot created by Matplotlib. * [scikit-learn with Matplotlib](../guides/frameworks/scikit-learn/sklearn_matplotlib_example.md) - Demonstrates ClearML automatically logging scatter diagrams created with Matplotlib. ## Remote Execution ClearML logs all the information required to reproduce a task run on a different machine (installed packages, uncommitted changes etc.). The [ClearML Agent](../clearml_agent.md) listens to designated queues and when a task is enqueued, the agent pulls it, recreates its execution environment, and runs it, reporting its scalars, plots, etc. to the task manager. Deploy a ClearML Agent onto any machine (e.g. a cloud VM, a local GPU machine, your own laptop) by simply running the following command on it: ```commandline clearml-agent daemon --queue <queues_to_listen_to> [--docker] ``` Use the ClearML [Autoscalers](../cloud_autoscaling/autoscaling_overview.md) to help you manage cloud workloads in the cloud of your choice (AWS, GCP, Azure) and automatically deploy ClearML agents: the autoscaler automatically spins up and shuts down instances as needed, according to a resource budget that you set. ### Reproducing Task Runs   Use ClearML's web interface to edit task details, like configuration parameters or input models, then execute the task with the new configuration on a remote machine: * Clone the task * Edit the hyperparameters and/or other details * Enqueue the task The ClearML Agent executing the task will use the new values to [override any hard coded values](../clearml_agent.md). ### Executing a Task Remotely You can set a task to be executed remotely programmatically by adding [`Task.execute_remotely()`](../references/sdk/task.md#execute_remotely) to your script. This method stops the current local execution of the task, and then enqueues it to a specified queue to re-run it on a remote machine. ```python # If executed locally, process will terminate, and a copy will be executed by an agent instead task.execute_remotely(queue_name='default', exit_process=True) ```