title: Sharing Tasks and Models

:::info Hosted Service Feature
This is a ClearML Hosted Service feature only.

**ClearML Hosted Service** users can share tasks with users in other workspaces. Sharing a task also shares 
all its contents including models, artifacts, and results.

**To share a task and its model(s):**

1. Click **Share** in one of these ways:

    * In the [task table](webapp_exp_table.md), right-click the task **>** **Share**
    * In the task info panel or full screen details view, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg" alt="Menu" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> 
      (menu) **>** **Share**. 
1. Click **Create link**.

1. Copy the hyperlink and send it to a **ClearML Hosted Service** user of another workspace. Any user with this link will have 
read-only access to the task and all its contents.

When a user opens the hyperlink for a shared task in their browser, only that task appears in the task table. 

## Making a Shared Task Private

**To make a shared task private again:**

1. Click **Share** in one of these ways:

    * In the [task table](webapp_exp_table.md), right-click the task **>** **Share**
    * In the task info panel or full screen details view, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg" alt="Menu" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> 
      (menu) **>** **Share**. 

1. Click **Remove link**.

Another option is to archive the task, which makes the task private.