title: Workflows 

This page covers `clearml-data`, ClearML's file-based data management solution.
See [Hyper-Datasets](../../hyperdatasets/overview.md) for ClearML's advanced queryable dataset management solution.

Take a look at the ClearML Data examples which demonstrate common workflows using the `clearml-data` CLI and the 
`Dataset` class:
* [Dataset Management with CLI](data_man_simple.md) - Tutorial for creating, modifying, and consuming dataset with CLI.
* [Folder Sync with CLI](data_man_folder_sync.md) - Tutorial for using `clearml-data sync` CLI option to update a dataset according 
  to a local folder.
* [Dataset Management with CLI and SDK](data_man_cifar_classification.md) - Tutorial for creating a dataset with the CLI
  then programmatically ingesting the data with the SDK.
* [Data Management with Python](data_man_python.md) - Example scripts for creating and consuming a dataset with the SDK.