--- title: Hyper-Datasets Page --- Use the Hyper-Datasets Page to navigate between and manage hyper-datasets. You can view the Hyper-Datasets page in Project view Project view or in List view List view. In List view, all hyper-datasets are shown side-by-side. In Project view, hyper-datasets are organized according to their projects, and top-level projects are displayed. Click on a project card to view the project's hyper-datasets. Click on a Hyper-Dataset card to open the dataset’s [version list](webapp_datasets_versioning.md), where you can view and manage the dataset versions' lineage and contents. Filter the hyper-datasets to find the one you’re looking for more easily. These filters can be applied by clicking Filter: * My Work - Show only hyper-datasets that you created * Tags - Choose which tags to filter by from a list of tags used in the hyper-datasets. * Filter by multiple tag values using the **ANY** or **ALL** options, which correspond to the logical "AND" and "OR" respectively. These options appear on the top of the tag list. * Filter by the absence of a tag (logical "NOT") by clicking its checkbox twice. An X will appear in the tag's checkbox. ![Hyper-Dataset page](../../img/hyperdatasets/datasets_01.png) ## Project Cards In Project view, project cards display a project’s summarized hyper-dataset information: ![Hyper-Dataset project card](../../img/hyperdatasets/hyperdataset_project_card.png) * Project name * Number of hyper-datasets in project * Tags used by hyper-datasets in project Click on a project card to view its hyper-datasets. ## Hyper-Dataset Cards In List view, the Hyper-Dataset cards display summarized dataset information: ![Hyper-Dataset card](../../img/hyperdatasets/hyperdataset_card.png) * Dataset name * Time since last update. Hover over elapsed time to view date of last update * User updating the Dataset * If the dataset contains dataset-level metadata, the card displays the Check mark `Metadata` indicator, which opens the Metadata editor on click * The number of versions in the Dataset * The total number of frames in all versions of the Dataset. If an asterisk (\*) appears next to **FRAMES**, then you can hover over it and see the name of the version whose frames were last updated * The percentage of frames annotated in all versions of the Dataset. If an asterisk (\*) appears next to **ANNOTATED**, then you can hover over it and see the name of the version whose frames were last annotated * If the Dataset version's status is *Published*, then the Dataset's top labels appear (colors are editable). If the Dataset version is *Draft*, then no labels appear * Tags :::note Change Label Color To change the label color coding, hover over a label color, click the hand pointer, and then select a new color. ::: ### Hyper-Dataset Actions Click Menu on the top right of a dataset card to open its context menu and access dataset actions:
![Hyper-Dataset context menu](../../img/webapp_hyperdataset_card_context_menu.png)
* **Rename** - Change the dataset’s name * **Add Tag** - Add label to the dataset to help easily classify groups of datasets. * **Edit Metadata** - Modify dataset-level metadata. This will open the metadata edit window, where you can edit the section ## Create New Hyper-Datasets To create a new Hyper-Dataset, click the **+ NEW DATASET** button in the top right of the page, which will open a **New Dataset** modal. ![Hyper-Dataset creation modal](../../img/webapp_hyperdataset_creation.png) This creates a new Hyper-Dataset that contains a single, empty draft version.