title: Version 3.10

### AllegroAI 3.10.2

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix duplicate frame registration changes the source URI for HyperDatasets
* Fix incorrect mask ID is provided when creating an annotation with an RoiMask
* Fix passing Iterable objects raises a subscript exception when being used in `_to_api_object`
* Fix SingleFrame annotation of type mask_rgb does not contain the correct mask ID

### AllegroAI 3.10.1

**New Features**
* Use ClearML 1.13.0 SDK

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix requirements conflict with ClearML SDK requirements (upper limit constraints removed)
* Fix deprecated login service support causes exception when loading `APIClient()`

### AllegroAI 3.10.0

**New Feature**
* `Dataset.project` property for Hyperdataset project ID. 

**Bug Fixes**
* Fix `allegroai.CachedStorageHelper` and `clearml.StorageHelper` compatibility
* Fix `DatasetVersion.update_frames()` doesn't update metadata when keys are removed
* Fix `DataView.Store()` raises errors
* Fix UI DataView frame query values are not applied at runtime.