--- title: Version 0.16 --- :::important **Trains** is now **ClearML**. ::: ## Version 0.16.4 ### Trains **Features** - Add Hydra support (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/219" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 219</a>). - Add cifar ignite example (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/237" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 237</a>). - Add auto extraction of `tar.gz` files when using `StorageManager` (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/237" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 237</a>). - Add `Task.init()` argument `auto_connect_streams` controlling stdout / stderr / logging capture (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/181" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 181</a>). - Add carriage return flush support using the `sdk.development.worker.console_cr_flush_period` configuration setting (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/181" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 181</a>). - Add `Task.create_function_task()` to allow creating a new task, using a function and arguments, to be executed remotely (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/230" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 230</a>). - Allow disabling SSL certificates verification using `Task.setup_upload()` argument `verify` or AWS S3 bucket configuration `verify` property (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/256" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 256</a>). - Add `StorageManager.get_files_server()`. - Add `Task.get_project_id()` using project name. - Add `project_name` argument to `Task.set_project()`. - Add `Task.connect()` support for class / instance objects. - Add `Task get_configuration_object()` and `Task.set_configuration_object()` for easier automation. - Improve Auto-Scaler - allow extra configurations, key name and security group are now optional, defaults using empty strings. - Use a built-in matplotlib convertor. - Add reporting text as debug sample example. **Bug Fixes** - Fix Optuna HPO parameter serializing (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/254" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 254</a>). - Fix connect dictionary `''` cast to `None` (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/258" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 258</a>). - Fix lightgbm binding keyword argument issue (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/251" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 251</a>). - Fix artifact preview if artifact body is remote URI (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/239" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 239</a>). - Fix infinite recursion in `StorageManager` upload (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/253" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 253</a>). - Fix keras reusing model object only if the filename is the same (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/252" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 252</a>). - Fix running remotely with no configuration should not crash but output a warning (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/243" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 243</a>). - Fix matplotlib 3.3.3 support: - Fix global figure enumeration. - Fix binding without a title reported a single plot (`untitled 00`) instead of increasing the counter. - Fix Python 2.7 / 3.5 support. - Fix quote issue when reporting debug images. - Fix replace quote safe characters in upload file to include `;=@$`. - Fix `at_exit` called from another process should be ignored. - Fix `Task.set_tags()` for completed / published tasks. - Fix `Task.add_tags()` not working when running remotely. - Fix `Task.set_user_properties()` docstring and interface. - Fix preview with JSON (dict) artifacts did not store the artifact. - Fix `Logger.report_text()` on task created using `Task.create()` was not supported. - Fix initialization for torch: only call torch `get_worker_info` if torch was loaded. - Fix flush (wait) on auxiliary task (obtained using` Task.get_task()`) should wait on all upload events. - Fix server was not updated with the defaults from the code when running remotely and configuration section is missing. - Fix connect dict containing `None` default values, blocked the remote execution from passing string instead of None. - Fix `Task.upload_artifact()` argument `delete_after_upload=True` used in conjunction with `wait_for_upload=True` was not supported. ## Version 0.16.3 ### Trains **Features** * Add LightGBM support. * Add initial Hydra support (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/219" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 219</a>). * Add synchronous support for `Task.upload_artifact()` (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/231" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 231</a>). * Add `sdk.development.store_code_diff_from_remote` (default `false`) to store diff from remote HEAD instead of local HEAD (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/222" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 222</a>). * Add `sdk.development.detect_with_conda_freeze` (default `true`) for full conda freeze (requires trains-agent >= 16.2). * Add user properties support in Task object. * Add `Logger.report_table()` support for table as list of lists. * Add support to split DAG and Table in pipeline DAG plot. Pipeline DAG single nodes are now round circles below the DAG graph.. * Add Pipeline / Optimization can be attached to any Task (not just the current task). * Add `force_download` flag to `StorageManager.get_local_copy()`. * Add control over the artifact preview using `Task.upload_artifact()` `preview` argument. * Add `Logger.report_matplotlib_figure()` with examples. * Add `Task.set_task_type()`. * Improve AWS auto-scaler: * Add key pair and security groups support. * Add multi-line support for both extra bash script and extra `trains.conf` data. * Update examples. **Bug Fixes** * Fix `Task.update_output_model()` wrong argument order (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/220" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 220</a>). * Fix initializing task on argparse parse in remote mode. Do not call `Task.init()` to avoid auto connect, use `Task.get_task()` instead. * Fix detected task cwd outside of repository root folder. * Fix `Task.connect(dict)` to place non-existing entries on the section name instead of General. * Fix `Task.clone()` support for trains-server < 0.16. * Fix `StorageManager` cache extract zipped artifacts. Use modified time instead of access time for cached files. * Fix diff command output was stripped. * Make sure local packages with multi-files are marked as `package`. * Fix `Task.set_base_docker()` should be skipped when running remotely. * Fix ArgParser binding handling of string argument with boolean default value (affects Pytorch Lightning integration). * When using `detect_with_pip_freeze` make sure that `package @ file://` lines are replaced with `package==x.y.z` as local file will probably not be available. * Fix git packages to new pip standard `package @ git+`. * Improve conda package naming `_` and `-` support. * Do not add specific setuptools version to requirements (pip can't install it anyway). * Fix image URL quoting when uploading from a file path. ## Version 0.16.2 ### Trains **Features** * Add `Task.set_resource_monitor_iteration_timeout()` to set ResourceMonitor iteration wait duration timeout (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/208" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 208</a>). * Add PyTorch Lightning save/restore model binding (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/212" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 212</a>). * Add `git diff` for repository submodule (requires git 2.14 or above). * Add `TrainsJob.is_completed()` and `TrainsJob.is_aborted()`. * Add `Task.logger` property. * Add Pipeline Controller automation and example (see [here](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/pipeline/pipeline_from_tasks.py)). * Add improved trace filtering capabilities in `trains.debugging.trace.trace_trains()`. * Add default help per argument (if not provided) in ArgParser binding. * Deprecate `Task.reporter`. * Update PyTorch example. * Remove warning on skipped auto-magic model logging (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/206" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 206</a>). * Support Keras restructuring for Network, Model and Sequential. * Update autokeras requirements according to [https://github.com/keras-team/autokeras#installation](https://github.com/keras-team/autokeras#installation). **Bug Fixes** * Fix joblib auto logging models failing on compressed streams (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/203" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 203</a>). * Fix sending empty reports (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/205" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 205</a>). * Fix scatter2d sub-sampling and rounding. * Fix plots reporting: * `NaN` representation (matplotlib conversion). * Limit the number of digits in a plot to reduce plot size (using `sdk.metrics.plot_max_num_digits` configuration value). * Fix `Task.wait_for_status()` to reload after it ends. * Fix thread wait Ctrl-C interrupt did not exit process. * Improve Windows support for installed packages analysis. * Fix auto model logging using relative path. * Fix Hyperparameter Optimization example. * Fix `Task.clone()` when working with TrainsServer < 0.16.0. * Fix pandas artifact handling. * Avoid adding `unnamed:0` column. * Return original pandas object. * Fix `TrainsJob` hyper-params overriding order was not guaranteed. * Fix ArgParse auto-connect to support default function type. ### Trains-Agent **Features** - conda: - Add `agent.package_manager.conda_env_as_base_docker` allowing "docker_cmd" to contain link to a full pre-packaged conda environment (`tar.gz` created by `conda-pack`). Use `TRAINS_CONDA_ENV_PACKAGE` environment variable to specify `conda tar.gz` file. - Add conda support for read-only pre-built environment (pass conda folder as `docker_cmd` on Task). - Improve trying to find conda executable. - k8s glue: - Add support for limited number of services exposing ports. - Add support for k8s pod custom user properties. - Allow selecting external `trains.conf` file for the pod itself. - Allow providing pod template, extra bash init script, alternate SSH server port, gateway address (k8s ingress / ELB). - Allow specifying `cudatoolkit` version in the "installed packages" section when using conda as package manager (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/229" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 229</a>). - Add `agent.package_manager.force_repo_requirements_txt`. If True, "Installed Packages" on Task are ignored, and only repository `requirements.txt` is used. - Pass `TRAINS_DOCKER_IMAGE` into docker for interactive sessions. - Add `torchcsprng` and `torchtext` to PyTorch resolving. **Bug Fixes** - When logging suppress "\r" when reading a current chunk of a file / stream. Add `agent.suppress_carriage_return` (default True) to support previous behavior. - Make sure `TRAINS_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT` is used only once per mount. - Fix k8s glue script to trains-agent default docker script. - Fix apply git diff from submodule only. - conda: - Fix conda pip freeze to be consistent with trains 0.16.3. - Fix conda environment support for trains 0.16.3 full env. Add `agent.package_manager.conda_full_env_update` to allow conda to update back the requirements (default False, to preserve previous behavior). - Fix running from conda environment - `conda.sh` not found in first conda PATH match. - Fix docker mode ubuntu / debian support by making sure not to ask for input (fix `tzdata` install). - Fix repository detection - ignore environment `SSH_AUTH_SOCK`, only check if git user/pass are configured. - git diff: - Fix support for non-ascii diff. - Fix diff with empty line at the end will cause corrupt diff apply message. - Allow zero context diffs (useful when blind patching repository). - Fix `daemon --stop` when agent UID cannot be located. - Fix nvidia docker support on some linux distros (SUSE). - Fix nvidia pytorch dockers support. - Fix torch CUDA 11.1 support. - Fix requirements dict with null entry in `pip` should be considered None install from repository's `requirements.txt`. ## Version 0.16.1 ### Trains **Features** * Enhance HyperParameter optimizer. **Bug Fixes** * Fix typing dependency for Python<3.5 ([GitHub trains Issue 184](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/184)). * Fix git+https requirements handling, resolve top_level.txt package name (kerastuner from git was not detected). * Fix `Task.get_reported_console_output()` for new Trains Server API v2.9. * Fix cache handling for different partitions / drives / devices. * Disable offline mode when running remotely (i.e. executed by Trains Agent). * Fix artifact upload to only use file stream when not uploading a locally stored file (multipart upload is not supported on stream upload) (<a href="https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/189" target="_blank">GitHub trains Issue 189</a>). * Fix double-escaped model design text when connecting OutputModel. ### Trains Server :::important Upgrading to this version requires a manual [data migration](../deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md). ::: **Bug Fixes** * Fix model page issue causing N/A to show after switching tabs (Trains Slack channel [thread)](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1597672446125300). * Removed experiments comparison limit (only 10 were allowed). Limit is now 100, configurable using `services.tasks.multi_task_histogram_limit`. (Trains Slack channel [thread)](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1597755746141500). * Fix scalar plots sometimes not calculated by the server in lower iteration values (Trains Slack channel [thread)](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1597321653085900). * Fix error while retrieving experiment log when only a few lines were reported ([GitHub trains-server Issue 59](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/issues/59)). * Update Fixed User full-name on restart (Trains Slack channel [thread)](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1597906492003300). * Fix project ordering issue. * When loading plots, display a spinner and don't show "no data". * Improve logging to provide more coherent ElasticSearch connection status in server log. ### Trains Agent **Features** * Add `sdk.metrics.plot_max_num_digits` configuration option to reduce plot storage size. * Add `agent.package_manager.post_packages` and `agent.package_manager.post_optional_packages` configuration options to control packages install order (e.g. horovod). * Add `agent.git_host` configuration option for limiting git credential usage for a specific host (overridable using `TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_HOST` environment variable). * Add `agent.force_git_ssh_port` configuration option to control HTTPS to SSH link conversion for non-standard SSH ports. * Add requirements detection features. Improve support for detecting new pip version (20+) supporting `package @ scheme://link`. **Bug Fixes** * Fix pre-installed packages are ignored when installing a git package wheel. Reinstalling a `git+http` link is enough to make sure all requirements are met / installed ([GitHub Issue #196](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/196)). * Fix incorrect check for spaces in current execution folder. * Fix requirements detection: * Update torch version after using downloaded / system pre-installed version. * Do not install git packages twice when a new pip version is used (pip freeze will detect the correct git link version). ## Version 0.16.0 ### Trains **Features** * Add continuing of previously executed experiments. Add `Task.init()` argument `continue_last_task` to continue a previously used Task ([GitHub Issue #160](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/160)). * Allow Task editing / creation from code. `Task.export_task/import_task/update_task()` ([GitHub Issue #128](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/128)). * Add offline mode. Use `Task.set_offline()` and `Task.import_offline_session()`: * Support setting offline mode via `TRAINS_OFFLINE_MODE=1` environment variable. * Support setting offline API version via `TRAINS_OFFLINE_MODE=2.9` environment variable. * Automatically pickle all objects uploaded as artifacts, `task.upload_artifact()` argument `auto_pickle=True` ([GitHub Issue #153](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/153)). * Add multiple sections / groups support for Task hyperparameters, using `Task.connect()`. * Add multiple configurations (files) using `Task.connect_configuration()`. * Allow enabling OS environment logging using the `sdk.development.log_os_environments` configuration parameter (complements the `TRAINS_LOG_ENVIRONMENT` environment variable). * Add Optuna support for hyperparameter optimization controller. `OptimizerOptuna` is now the default optimizer. * Add initial Keras-Tuner support ([GitHub Issue keras-team/keras-tuner #334](https://github.com/keras-team/keras-tuner/issues/334)). * Add automatic FastAI logging. It is disabled if Tensorboard is loaded (assuming TensorBoardLogger will be used). * Support Tensorboard text logging (`add_text()`) as debug samples (`.txt` files), instead of as console output. * Allow for more standard confusion matrix reporting. `Logger.report_confusion_matrix()` argument `yaxis_reversed` (flips the confusion matrix if `True`, default `False`) ([GitHub Issue #165](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/165)). * Add support for Trains Server 0.16.0 (API v2.9 support). * Allow disabling Trains update message from the log using the `TRAINS_SUPPRESS_UPDATE_MESSAGE` environment variable ([GitHub Issue #157](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/157)). * Add AWS EC2 Auto-Scaler service wizard and Service. * Improved and updated examples: * Add Keras Tuner CIFAR10 example. * Add FastAI example. * Update PyTorch Jupyter notebook examples ([GitHub Issue #150](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/150)). * Support global requirements detection using `pip freeze` (set `sdk.development.detect_with_pip_freeze` configuration in `trains.conf`). * Add `Task.get_projects()` to get all projects in the system, sorted by last update time. **Bug Fixes** * Fix UTC to time stamp in comment ([GitHub Issue #152](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/152)). * Fix and enhance GPU monitoring: * Fix GPU stats on Windows machines ([GitHub Issue #177](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/177)). * More robust GPU monitoring ([GitHub Issue #170](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/170)). * Fix filename too long bug ([GitHub trains-server Issue #49](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/issues/49)). * Fix TensorFlow image logging to allow images with no width / height / color metadata ([GitHub Issue #182](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/182)). * Fix multiprocessing Pool throw exception in pool hangs execution. Call original signal handler and re-flush `stdout`. * Fix `plotly` support for `matplotlib` 3.3. * Add Python 2.7 support for `get_current_thread_id()`. * Update examples requirements. * Fix and improve signal handling. * Fix Tensorboard 2D convolution histogram, improve histogram accuracy on very small histograms. * Fix auto logging multiple argparse calls before `Task.init()`. * Limit experiment Git diff logging to 500Kb. If larger than 500Kb, diff section will contain a warning and entire diff will be uploaded as an artifact named `auxiliary_git_dif`. * Fix requirements detection: * Fix Trains installed from `git+`. * Fix when Trains is not directly imported. * Fix multiple `-e` packages were not detected (only the first one). * Fix running with Trains in `PYTHONPATH` resulted in double entry of trains. * Fix `Task.set_base_docker()` on main task to do nothing when running remotely. ### Trains Server :::important Upgrading to this version requires a manual [data migration](../deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md). ::: **Features** * Add experiment hyperparameter grouping: * **HYPER PARAMETERS** tab renamed to **CONFIGURATION**. * **CONFIGURATION** tab contains the sections **USER PROPERTIES**, **HYPER PARAMETERS**, **CONFIGURATION OBJECTS** * Add user properties group. Key-value pairs always editable (**USER PROPERTIES** section). * Add command line options group * argparse and older experiments parameters (**CONFIGURATIONS / HYPER PARAMETERS / Args**). * Add TensorFlow definitions group (**CONFIGURATIONS / HYPER PARAMETERS / TF_DEFINE**). * Add environment variables group (**CONFIGURATIONS / HYPER PARAMETERS / Environment**). * Improve experiment model configuration: * Model design is in the **ARTIFACTS** tab. * Experiment model description is in the **CONFIGURATION OBJECTS** section in the **CONFIGURATION** tab. * Improve experiment comparison: * In hyperparameter parallel coordinate comparison, hover over an experiment name to highlight it on plot ([GitHub Issue #53](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/53)). * Remove fields providing no additional information from comparison. * Improve the model framework filter. Filter contains only frameworks used by models in the project. * Add configurable **Trains** services examples. * Add support for text debug samples in the **DEBUG SAMPLES** section in the **RESULTS** tab. * Add legend on / off toggle control for every plot. * Add clear button for text areas ([GitHub trains-server Issue #42](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/issues/42)). * Reinstate the bottom bar **Archive** button. * Add **Trains** community links to left bar. * Add Hi-DPI display support. * Add `debug.ping` endpoint for simple health monitoring. * Add support for field exclusion in `*.get_all` endpoints. * Move to ElasticSearch 7. Requires manual [data migration](../deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md). **Bug Fixes** * Auto-fit column width on column resize double click. * Allow top-bar search if fewer than three characters are entered, and `Enter` is pressed. ### Trains Agent **Features** * Add `agent.docker_init_bash_script` configuration section to allow finer control over Docker startup script. * Changed default Docker image from `nvidia/cuda` to `nvidia/cuda:10.1-runtime-ubuntu18.04` to support `cudnn` frameworks (e.g. TF). * Improve support for Dockers with preinstalled `conda` environment. * Improve trains-agent-docker spinning. * Add `daemon --order-fairness` for round-robin queue pulling. * Add `daemon --stop` to terminate a running agent (assuming other arguments are the same). If no additional arguments, Agents are terminated in lexicographical order. * Support cleanup of all log files on termination unless executed with `--debug`. * Add error message when Trains API Server is not accessible on startup. **Bug Fixes** * Fix GPU Windows monitoring support ([GitHub Issue #177](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/177)). * Fix `.git-credentials` and `.gitconfig` mapping into docker. * Fix non-root docker image usage. * Fix docker to use `UTF-8` encoding, so prints won't break it. * Fix `--debug` to set all loggers to `DEBUG`. * Fix task status change to `queued` should never happen during Task runtime. * Fix `requirement_parser` to support `package @ git+http` lines. * Fix GIT user/password in requirements and support for `-e git+http` lines. * Fix configuration wizard to generate `trains.conf` matching latest Trains definitions.