--- title: Version 0.14 --- :::important **Trains** is now **ClearML**. ::: ## Version 0.14.3 ### Trains **Features** * Add the `Logger.report_histogram` method `mode` parameter. The values are `group` (the default), `stack`, and `relative`. * Add [PEP610](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0610/) support for the new `pip` version 20.1 and newer Git reference feature (see [pypa/pip#609](https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/609)) ([GitHub Issue #62](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/62)). * Improve support for PyTorch Ignite integration. * Support `#` and `?` in uploaded image file names. **Bug Fixes** * Support `ArgumentParser.parse_arg` use before initializing a Task when `auto_connect_arg_parser=False`. * Fix `upload_object_via_stream` in the Azure storage driver. * Fix the `Task.get_tasks` method return type. ## Version 0.14.2 ### Trains **Features** * Add media (audio) support for both `Logger` and TensorBoard binding using `Logger.report_media` ([GitHub Issue #120](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/120)). * Add [autokeras example](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/frameworks/autokeras/autokeras_imdb_example.py) ([GitHub Issue #125](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/125)). * Add caching of extracted zip artifacts. * Add `Task.get_tasks` filtering support. * Add `trains.storage.StorageManager`. * Add nicer stdout log flush. * Add text logging to TF V1 example. * Improve SSL retries and error handling. * Improve shutdown behavior in case of a user abort (Ctrl-C). * Improve repository and module detection: * Improve resource monitor. * Report memory usage for process (and sub-processes). * Report GPU memory usage for process (and sub-processes). * Stability * Improve Jupyter support: * Make sure `trains` is included in Jupyter requirements. * Ignore IPython directives in converted Python script (like `%` and `!` lines). * Update Pytorch / TensorboardX examples. **Bug Fixes** * Fix renaming / deleting model file right after saving will break asynchronous upload ([GitHub Issue #123](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/123)). * Fix shutdown behavior: * Logger flush delay and termination. * Repository / package detection termination. * Threads termination. * Fix text encoding `utf-8` and `pr_curve` broken in Tensorboard support. * Fix single log request exceeds max packet size. * Fix upload debug assets with series / title including `,` or `/` did not add iteration index to the filename. * Fix `scikit-learn` module detection. * Use UID in message if username cannot be retrieved. * Fix cast in Tensorflow v2 example. ### Trains Server **User survey** * Add survey invitation popup. **Bug fixes** * Fix misaligned titles in experiment results, scalars, and plots (**RESULTS** tab, **SCALARS** and **PLOTS** sub-tabs). * Fix parallel coordinate comparison in comparing experiments. Adding dimension with no values removes all lines. * Fix resizing the experiments tables window. The preferences wheel jumped over the titles. * Fix the browser zoom (**CTRL +**, **CTRL -**, and mouse wheel) in experiment **RESULTS** **>** **SCALARS** tab. It broke labels ([GitHub Issue #127](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/127)). ## Version 0.14.1 ### Trains **Features and Bug Fixes** * Add OpenMPI / Slurm support, support `TRAINS_FORCE_MASTER_NODE` environment variable to allow forcefully specifying a node is master (not based on the MPI Rank). * Add `Task.get_models` and `Task.models` for retrieving stored models for previously executed tasks * Support multiple EventWriter in TensorFlow eager mode (TF 2.0+) ([GitHub Issue #26](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/26)). * Support reusing models. * Fix TensorFlow not a number (`NaN`) and infinity (`Inf`) values support ([GitHub Issue #118](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/118)). * Fix joblib binding. * Fix metrics / files / models upload on shutdown. * Fix support for Task init / close multiple times. * Update `manual_reporting.py` example with `Logger.report_table` example. * Deprecate `Task.set_model_config`, `Task.get_model_config_text`, and `Task.get_model_config_dict`. ### Trains Server **Features and Bug Fixes** * Support default **Trains Server** Kubernetes Helm ports in the **Trains Web-App (UI)**. * Fix issue switching scalar plots between linear and logarithmic views ([GitHub Issue #75](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/75)). * Do not reset view filtering when switching tabs in experiment view. ### Trains Agent **Features and Bug Fixes** * Add `daemon` detached mode (`--detached`, `-d`) that runs the agent as daemon in the background and returns immediately. * Auto mount `~/.git-credentials` into a Docker container, if the file exists. * Add `TRAINS_AGENT_EXTRA_PYTHON_PATH` environment variable to allow the adding of an additional Python path during experiment execution (helpful when using extra un-tracked modules). * Fix "run as user" feature (using `TRAINS_AGENT_EXEC_USER` environment variable). * Fix PyTorch support to ignore minor versions when looking for package to install / download. * Fix experiment execution output handling. ## Version 0.14.0 ### Trains **Features and Bug Fixes** * Add support for reporting tables (pandas.DataFrame, CSV files, URL to CSV file) using the `Logger.report_table` method. * Add support for setting a Task's initial iteration to allow continuing previous runs using the `Task.set_initial_iteration` and `Task.get_initial_iteration` methods. * Add multiprocess task support ([GitHub Issue #96](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/96)). * Add `trains-init` support for config file override using the `TRAINS_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable or `--file` command line argument ([GitHub Issue #105](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/105)). * Add initial slurm support. * Allow disabling repository detection when calling `Task.init`. * Add Jupyter Notebook server execution example. * Update examples. * Improve warning messages for storage errors and missing storage packages. * Fix HTTP link quoting in stored links. ### Trains Server **Features and Bug Fixes** * Add debug image viewing for an unlimited number of iterations, filtering by metric, and comparing debug images for different iterations. * Add debug image view zoom, fit to screen, resize, hover coordinates ([GitHub Issue #68](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/68)). * Add switching scalar plots between linear and logarithmic views ([GitHub Issue #75](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/75)). * Add scalar minimums and maximums to comparing experiments. * Add opening HTML artifact files in the browser. * Add Web-App notification for version updates. * Add toggle button to switch between full screen and standard views in the **RESULTS** tab. * Add a load more button to the global search results. * Add automatic detection of debug video type from the file extension. * Add `Task.get_parameters_as_dict` and `Task.set_parameters_as_dict`. * Allow editing model description. * Allow editing experiment uncommitted changes and installed packages separately. * Allow deleting an input model from an experiment whose status is *Draft*. * Fix dialog elements which are now accessible in non-100% screen scale. ([GitHub Issue #89](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/89)). * Fix custom columns in the experiments table not properly loaded from browser store ([GitHub Issue #106](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/106)). * Fix issue with showing 2D graphs containing sub-plots ([trains #slack](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/106)) * Fix issues with vertical scrolling of experiment logs. * Fix issue with image plots sometimes not visible in experiments comparison. ### Trains Agent **Features and Bug Fixes** * Add support for `trains-agent execute --id <experiment-id> --docker` that allows executing a specific experiment inside a docker container. * Add support for `trains-agent execute --id <template-experiment-id> --clone` that clones the provided experiment and executes the cloned experiment. * Add support for `APIClient.models.delete` to allow programmatically deleting a model ([GitHub trains-server Issue #32](https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/issues/32)). * Add daemon support for passing storage-related OS environment variables to experiments executed inside a Docker container (supported by trains>=0.13.3): * AWS: `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` * Azure: `AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT` and `AZURE_STORAGE_KEY` * Google: `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` * Fix Git checkout with submodules ([GitHub Issue #112](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/112)). * Docker image in command line takes precedence over the Docker image specified in an experiment.