title: Task Environment Containers

This tutorial demonstrates using [`clearml-agent`](../../clearml_agent.md)'s [`build`](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_ref.md#build) 
command to build a Docker container replicating the execution environment of an existing task. ClearML Agents can make 
use of such containers to execute tasks without having to set up their environment every time. 

A use case for this would be manual hyperparameter optimization, where a base task can be used to create a container to 
be used when running optimization tasks.

## Prerequisites
* [`clearml-agent`](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_setup.md#installation) installed and configured
* [`clearml`](../../getting_started/ds/ds_first_steps.md#install-clearml) installed and configured
* [clearml](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml) repo cloned (`git clone https://github.com/allegroai/clearml.git`)
## Creating the ClearML Task
1. Set up the task's execution environment:
   cd clearml/examples/frameworks/keras
   pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Run the task:
   python keras_tensorboard.py
   This creates a ClearML task called "Keras with TensorBoard example" in the "examples" project.

   Note the task ID in the console output when running the script above:

   ClearML Task: created new task id=<TASK_ID>
   This ID will be used in the following section.

## Building the Docker Container

Execute the following command to build the container. Input the ID of the task created above. 
clearml-agent build --id <TASK_ID> --docker --target new_docker

If the container will not make use of a GPU, add the `--cpu-only` flag.

This will create a container with the specified task's execution environment in the `--target` folder. 
When the Docker build completes, the console output shows:

Docker build done
Committing docker container to: new_docker

## Using the New Docker Container
Make use of the container you've just built by having a ClearML agent make use of it for executing a new task:	

1. In the [ClearML Web UI](../../webapp/webapp_overview.md), go to the "examples" project, "Keras with TensorBoard 
   example" task (the one executed [above](#creating-the-clearml-task)).
1. [Clone](../../webapp/webapp_exp_reproducing.md) the task.
1. In the cloned task, go to the **EXECUTION** tab **>** **CONTAINER** section. Under **IMAGE**, insert the name 
   of the new Docker image, `new_docker`. See [Tuning Tasks](../../webapp/webapp_exp_tuning.md) for more task 
   modification options. 
1. Enqueue the cloned task to the `default` queue.
1. Launch a `clearml-agent` in [Docker Mode](../../clearml_agent/clearml_agent_execution_env.md#docker-mode) and assign it to the `default` queue:
   clearml-agent daemon --docker --queue default

   If the agent will not make use of a GPU, add the `--cpu-only` flag.

   This agent will pull the enqueued task and run it using the `new_docker` image to create the execution environment. 
   In the task's **CONSOLE** tab, one of the first logs displays the following:
   Executing: ['docker', 'run', ..., 'CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE=new_docker', ...].