--- title: Gradio Launcher --- :::info Enterprise Feature The Gradio Launcher App is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan. ::: [Gradio](https://gradio.app/) is a framework for creating visual web interfaces for your models. The ClearML Gradio launcher application spins up a Gradio execution environment and serves your Gradio app on a machine of your choice. Once you start a Gradio launcher instance, you will be provided with an [externally accessible link](#traffic_router) to your Gradio app, where you can make use of your models. The Gradio launcher monitors the Gradio app activity and shuts down if it is inactive for a specified maximum idle time. <a id="traffic_router"/> :::important AI Application Gateway The Gradio Launcher relies on the ClearML Traffic Router which implements user authentication, and redirects requests to the IP/port served by the Gradio app. If the ClearML AI application Gateway is not available, the Gradio app might not be accessible. ::: Once you start a Gradio launcher instance, you can view the following information in its dashboard: * Gradio App status indicator * <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-gradio-active.svg" alt="Active server" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> - App is running and is actively in use * <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-gradio-loading.svg" alt="Loading server" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> - App is setting up * <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-gradio-idle.svg" alt="Idle server" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> - App is idle * <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-gradio-stopped.svg" alt="Stopped server" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> - App is stopped * Idle time * Gradio App - Externally accessible link to your Gradio app. You can send this link to your colleagues, so they can access the app. Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-copy-to-clipboard.svg" alt="Copy" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> to copy link * Gradio Git repo - Repository that holds the Gradio app script * Live preview of the Gradio app * Console Log - The console log shows the launcher instance's activity, including server setup progress, server status changes ## Gradio Launcher Instance Configuration When configuring a new Gradio launcher instance, you can fill in the required parameters or reuse the configuration of a previously launched instance. Launch an app instance with the configuration of a previously launched instance using one of the following options: * Cloning a previously launched app instance will open the instance launch form with the original instance's configuration prefilled. * Importing an app configuration file. You can export the configuration of a previously launched instance as a JSON file when viewing its configuration. The prefilled instance launch form can be edited before starting the new app instance. To configure a new app instance, click `Launch New` <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-add.svg" alt="Add new" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> to open the app's instance launch form. ### Configuration Options * **Import Configuration** - Import an app instance configuration file. This will fill the instance launch form with the values from the file, which can be modified before launching the app instance * **Gradio Instance Name** - Name for the Gradio launcher instance. This will appear in the instance list * **Project name** - Project where your Gradio launcher app instance task will be stored * **Task name** - Name of task for your Gradio launcher app instance * **Git Repository** - Git repository containing the Gradio script * **Git Branch** - Git branch containing the Gradio script * **Gradio Script Name** - Name of Gradio script to be executed * **Queue** - The [ClearML Queue](../../fundamentals/agents_and_queues.md#what-is-a-queue) to which the Gradio launcher app instance task will be enqueued (make sure an agent is assigned to that queue) * **Docker Image** - Docker image the ClearML Agent will use for running the Gradio app * **Arguments** - Arguments to be passed to the script * **Idle Time Limit** (Hours) - Maximum idle time (Period in which no requests are received by the Gradio app) after which the Gradio app and the launcher instance will shut down. * **Export Configuration** - Export the app instance configuration as a JSON file, which you can later import to create a new instance with the same configuration