--- title: Deleting Tenants from ClearML --- The following is a step-by-step guide for deleting tenants (i.e. companies, workspaces) from ClearML. :::caution Deleting a tenant is a destructive operation that cannot be undone. * Make sure you have the data prior to deleting the tenant. * Backing up the system before deleting is recommended. ::: The tenant deletion is done from MongoDB, ElasticsSearch, and the Fileserver. The first two are done from within the `apiserver` container, and last from within the `fileserver` container. Any external artifacts (ex: AWS S3, GCS, minio) can be removed manually. ## Deleting Tenants from MongoDB and ElasticSearch 1. Enter the `apiserver` in one of the following ways * In `docker-compose`: ``` sudo docker exec -it allegro-apiserver /bin/bash ``` * In Kubernetes: ``` kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <apiserver pod name> -c clearml-apiserver -- /bin/bash ``` 1. Set the ID and the name of the company (tenant) you wish to delete ``` tenant_to_delete=<tenant-id> company_name_to_delete="<company-name>" ``` 1. Delete the company's data from MongoDB: ``` PYTHONPATH=../trains-server-repo python3 \ -m jobs.management.delete_company_data_from_mongo \ --id $tenant_to_delete \ --name <company-name> \ --delete-user ``` :::note This also deletes the admin users. Remove `--delete-user` to avoid this. ::: 1. Delete the company's data from ElasticSearch: ``` PYTHONPATH=../trains-server-repo python3 \ -m jobs.management.cleanup_deleted_companies \ --ids $tenant_to_delete --delete-company ``` 1. Exit pod/container ## Deleting Tenants from the Fileserver To remove a tenant's data from the fileserver, you can choose one of the following methods depending on your deployment setup: * Option 1: Delete the tenant's data from within the fileserver container or pod. * Option 2: Delete the tenant's data externally from the host system. ### Option 1 - From Within the Fileserver 1. Enter the `fileserver` in one of the following ways * In `docker-compose`: ``` sudo docker exec -it allegro-fileserver /bin/bash ``` * In Kubernetes: ``` kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <fileserver pod name> -c clearml-fileserver -- /bin/bash ``` 1. Run the following: ``` rm -rf /mnt/fileserver/<tenant-id> ``` 1. Exit pod/container ### Option 2 - External Deletion #### Docker compose Run the following: ``` rm -rf /opt/allegro/data/fileserver/<tenant-id> ``` #### Kubernetes Run the following: ``` kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <apiserver-pod-name> -c clearml-apiserver -- /bin/bash -c "PYTHONPATH=../trains-server-repo python3 -m jobs.management.delete_company_data_from_mongo --id <tenant-id> --delete-user" kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <apiserver-pod-name> -c clearml-apiserver -- /bin/bash -c "PYTHONPATH=../trains-server-repo python3 -m jobs.management.cleanup_deleted_companies --ids <tenant-id> --delete-company" kubectl -n <namespace> exec -it <fileserver-pod-name> -c clearml-fileserver -- /bin/bash -c "rm -rf /mnt/fileserver/<tenant-id>" ```