--- title: Storage Examples --- This page describes storage examples using the [StorageManager](../../references/sdk/storage.md) class. The storage examples include: * [Downloading a file](#downloading_storagemanager) - Get an object from storage. * [Uploading a file](#uploading_storagemanager) - Upload an object. * [Setting cache limits](#cache) - Set the maximum number of objects. :::note `StorageManager` supports http(s), S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, and file system folders. ::: ## StorageManager ### Downloading a file To download a ZIP file from storage to the `global` cache context, call the [StorageManager.get_local_copy](../../references/sdk/storage.md#storagemanagerget_local_copy) method, and specify the destination location as the `remote_url` argument: # create a StorageManager instance manager = StorageManager() manager.get_local_copy(remote_url="s3://MyBucket/MyFolder/file.zip") To download a file to a specific context in cache, specify the name of the context as the `cache_context` argument: manager.get_local_copy(remote_url="s3://MyBucket/MyFolder/file.ext", cache_context="test") To download a non-compressed file, set the `extract_archive` argument to `False`. manager.get_local_copy(remote_url="s3://MyBucket/MyFolder/file.ext", extract_archive=False) <a class="tr_top_negative" name="uploading_storagemanager"></a> ### Uploading a file To upload a file to storage, call the [StorageManager.upload_file](../../references/sdk/storage.md#storagemanagerupload_file) method. Specify the full path of the local file as the `local_file` argument, and the remote URL as the `remote_url` argument. manager.upload_file(local_file="/mnt/data/also_file.ext", remote_url="s3://MyBucket/MyFolder") ### Setting cache limits To set a limit on the number of files cached, call the [StorageManager.set_cache_file_limit](../../references/sdk/storage.md#storagemanagerset_cache_file_limit) method and specify the `cache_file_limit` argument as the maximum number of files. This does not limit the cache size, only the number of files. new_cache_limit = manager.set_cache_file_limit(cache_file_limit=100)