--- title: TensorBoardX --- The [pytorch_tensorboardX.py](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/frameworks/tensorboardx/pytorch_tensorboardX.py) example demonstrates the integration of **ClearML** into code that uses PyTorch and TensorBoardX. The script does the following: 1. Trains a simple deep neural network on the PyTorch built-in [MNIST](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/datasets.html#mnist) dataset. 1. Creates a TensorBoardX `SummaryWriter` object to log: * Scalars during training * Scalars and debug samples during testing * A test text message to the console (a test message to demonstrate **ClearML**). 1. Creates an experiment named `pytorch with tensorboardX` which is associated with the `examples` project in the **ClearML Web UI**. ## Scalars The loss and accuracy metric scalar plots appear in the experiment's page in the **ClearML web UI**, under **RESULTS** **>** **SCALARS**. The also includes resource utilization plots, which are titled **:monitor: machine**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_tensorboardx_03.png) ## Hyperparameters **ClearML** automatically logs command line options defined with `argparse`. They appear in **CONFIGURATIONS** **>** **HYPER PARAMETERS** **>** **Args**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_tensorboardx_01.png) ## Log Text printed to the console for training progress, as well as all other console output, appear in **RESULTS** **>** **LOG**. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_tensorboardx_02.png) ## Artifacts Model artifacts associated with the experiment appear in the info panel of the **EXPERIMENTS** tab and in the info panel of the **MODELS** tab. The experiment info panel shows model tracking, including the model name and design (in this case, no design was stored). ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_tensorboardx_04.png) The model info panel contains the model details, including: * Model URL * Framework * Snapshot locations. ![image](../../../img/examples_pytorch_tensorboardx_05.png)