--- title: Media Reporting --- The [media_reporting.py](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/reporting/media_reporting.py) example demonstrates reporting (uploading) images, audio, and video. Use [`Logger.report_media()`](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_media) to upload from: * Local path * BytesIO stream * URL of media already uploaded to some storage ClearML uploads media to the bucket specified in the ClearML configuration file. You can configure ClearML for image storage using [`Logger.set_default_upload_destination()`](../../references/sdk/logger.md#set_default_upload_destination) (note that [artifact storage](../../clearml_sdk/task_sdk.md#setting-upload-destination) is handled differently). Set the storage credentials in the [clearml.conf file](../../configs/clearml_conf.md#sdk-section). ClearML reports media in the **ClearML Web UI** **>** task details **>** **DEBUG SAMPLES** tab. When the script runs, it creates a task named `audio and video reporting` in the `examples` project. ## Reporting (Uploading) Media from a Source by URL Report by using the `url` parameter of [`Logger.report_media()`](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_media): ```python # report video, an already uploaded video media (url) Logger.current_logger().report_media( 'video', 'big bunny', iteration=1, url='https://test-videos.co.uk/vids/bigbuckbunny/mp4/h264/720/Big_Buck_Bunny_720_10s_1MB.mp4' ) # report audio, report an already uploaded audio media (url) Logger.current_logger().report_media( 'audio', 'pink panther', iteration=1, url='https://www2.cs.uic.edu/~i101/SoundFiles/PinkPanther30.wav' ) ``` The reported audio can be viewed in the **DEBUG SAMPLES** tab. Click a thumbnail to open the audio player.  ## Reporting (Uploading) Media from a Local File Report by using the `local_path` parameter of [`Logger.report_media()`](../../references/sdk/logger.md#report_media): ```python # report audio, report local media audio file Logger.current_logger().report_media( title='audio', series='tada', iteration=1, local_path=os.path.join('data_samples', 'sample.mp3') ) ``` The reported video can be viewed in the **DEBUG SAMPLES** tab. Click a thumbnail to open the video player.