diff --git a/docs/clearml_agent/clearml_agent_env_caching.md b/docs/clearml_agent/clearml_agent_env_caching.md
index 53b6e004..6740ba10 100644
--- a/docs/clearml_agent/clearml_agent_env_caching.md
+++ b/docs/clearml_agent/clearml_agent_env_caching.md
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ the same environment will be used.
ClearML does not support environment reuse when using Poetry package manager
-To enable environment reuse, modify the `clearml.conf` file and unmark the `venvs_cache` section.
+To enable virutal environment reuse, modify the `clearml.conf` file and uncomment the `venvs_cache` section.
venvs_cache: {
# maximum number of cached venvs
max_entries: 10
# minimum required free space to allow for cache entry, disable by passing 0 or negative value
free_space_threshold_gb: 2.0
- # unmark to enable virtual environment caching
+ # uncomment to enable virtual environment caching
# path: ~/.clearml/venvs-cache
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md b/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md
index 34196fd9..0360dbf1 100644
--- a/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md
+++ b/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_es7_migration.md
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ and ClearML Server needs to be installed.
1. For **Kubernetes** and **Kubernetes using Helm**, connect to the node in the Kubernetes cluster labeled `app=trains`.
-1. Download the migration package archive.
+1. Download the migration package archive:
curl -L -O https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/releases/download/0.16.0/trains-server-0.16.0-migration.zip
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ and ClearML Server needs to be installed.
If the file needs to be downloaded manually, use this direct link: [trains-server-0.16.0-migration.zip](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/releases/download/0.16.0/trains-server-0.16.0-migration.zip).
-1. Extract the archive.
+1. Extract the archive:
unzip trains-server-0.16.0-migration.zip -d /opt/trains
-1. Migrate the data.
+1. Migrate the data:
* **Linux, macOS, and Windows** - if managing own containers.
diff --git a/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_mongo44_migration.md b/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_mongo44_migration.md
index 6126310e..ca529b80 100644
--- a/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_mongo44_migration.md
+++ b/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_mongo44_migration.md
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ installed ClearML under a different path, replace the file locations accordingly
sudo docker exec mongodb_upgrade bash -c 'mongo --eval "db.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion:\"4.0\"})"'
This command should return an `{ "ok" : 1 }` response.
-1. Stop the mongo 4.0 container
+1. Stop the mongo 4.0 container:
sudo docker stop mongodb_upgrade && sudo docker rm mongodb_upgrade
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ installed ClearML under a different path, replace the file locations accordingly
sudo docker exec mongodb_upgrade bash -c 'mongo --eval "db.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion:\"4.2\"})"'
This command should return an `{ "ok" : 1 }` response.
-1. Stop the mongo 4.2 container
+1. Stop the mongo 4.2 container:
sudo docker stop mongodb_upgrade && sudo docker rm mongodb_upgrade
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ installed ClearML under a different path, replace the file locations accordingly
sudo docker exec mongodb_upgrade bash -c 'mongo --eval "db.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion:\"4.4\"})"'
This command should return an `{ "ok" : 1 }` response.
-1. Stop the mongo 4.4
+1. Stop the mongo 4.4:
sudo docker stop mongodb_upgrade && sudo docker rm mongodb_upgrade
diff --git a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_gcp.md b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_gcp.md
index c4f53261..c7a4ce4c 100644
--- a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_gcp.md
+++ b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_gcp.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ title: Google Cloud Platform
1. Follow these [data migration instructions](clearml_server_es7_migration.md),
and then continue this upgrade.
- 1. Rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`.
+ 1. Rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`:
sudo mv /opt/trains /opt/clearml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ title: Google Cloud Platform
1. [Backing up data](clearml_server_gcp.md#backing-up-and-restoring-data-and-configuration) is recommended, and if the configuration folder is
not empty, backing up the configuration.
-1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file.
+1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allegroai/clearml-server/master/docker/docker-compose.yml -o /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ title: Google Cloud Platform
docker-compose -f /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml up -d
-If issues arise during your upgrade, see the FAQ page, [How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?](../faq.md#common-docker-upgrade-errors).
+If issues arise during your upgrade, see the FAQ page, [How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?](../faq.md#common-docker-upgrade-errors)
diff --git a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_linux_mac.md b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_linux_mac.md
index 4a4c200b..ac15afa3 100644
--- a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_linux_mac.md
+++ b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_linux_mac.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ title: Linux or macOS
For Linux only, if upgrading from Trains Server v0.14 or older, configure the ClearML Agent Services.
* If ``CLEARML_HOST_IP`` is not provided, then **ClearML Agent Services** uses the external public address of the ClearML Server.
- * If ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER`` / ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS`` are not provided, then **ClearML Agent Services** can't access any private repositories for running service tasks.
+ * If ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER`` / ``CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS`` are not provided, then **ClearML Agent Services** can't access any private repositories for running service tasks:
export CLEARML_HOST_IP=server_host_ip_here
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ For backwards compatibility, the environment variables ``TRAINS_HOST_IP``, ``TRA
**To upgrade ClearML Server Docker deployment:**
-1. Shutdown ClearML Server. Execute the following command (which assumes the configuration file is in the environment path).
+1. Shutdown ClearML Server. Execute the following command (which assumes the configuration file is in the environment path):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
@@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ For backwards compatibility, the environment variables ``TRAINS_HOST_IP``, ``TRA
1. [Backing up data](clearml_server_linux_mac.md#backing-up-and-restoring-data-and-configuration) is recommended and, if the configuration folder is
not empty, backing up the configuration.
-1. If upgrading from **Trains Server** to **ClearML Server**, rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`.
+1. If upgrading from **Trains Server** to **ClearML Server**, rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`:
sudo mv /opt/trains /opt/clearml
-1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file.
+1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allegroai/clearml-server/master/docker/docker-compose.yml -o /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml
-1. Startup ClearML Server. This automatically pulls the latest ClearML Server build.
+1. Startup ClearML Server. This automatically pulls the latest ClearML Server build:
docker-compose -f /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml up -d
-If issues arise during your upgrade, see the FAQ page, [How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?](../faq.md#common-docker-upgrade-errors).
+If issues arise during your upgrade, see the FAQ page, [How do I fix Docker upgrade errors?](../faq.md#common-docker-upgrade-errors)
diff --git a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_win.md b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_win.md
index ed4b57ee..2210c739 100644
--- a/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_win.md
+++ b/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_win.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ title: Windows
1. If upgrading from **Trains Server** to **ClearML Server**, rename `/opt/trains` and its subdirectories to `/opt/clearml`.
-1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file.
+1. Download the latest `docker-compose.yml` file:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allegroai/clearml-server/master/docker/docker-compose-win10.yml -o c:\opt\clearml\docker-compose-win10.yml