diff --git a/docs/webapp/webapp_profile.md b/docs/webapp/webapp_profile.md
index 6f404a21..87d6c443 100644
--- a/docs/webapp/webapp_profile.md
+++ b/docs/webapp/webapp_profile.md
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ provider connection is configured and enabled, the option appears in your server
`Client Secret`, and the `Authorization Endpoint`, must be obtained from your identity provider's ClearML App settings
and copied to the relevant field.
* ClearML WebApp URL - The external URL for the ClearML WebApp. Used to construct the Callback URL used by the
identity provider
@@ -422,9 +422,9 @@ provider connection is configured and enabled, the option appears in your server
to the matched ClearML group. The server will also make sure the ClearML user is removed from the group if
a previous membership has been revoked.
* ClearML Webapp URL - The external URL for the ClearML WebApp. This is used to construct the Callback URL used by
the identity provider
@@ -467,12 +467,13 @@ provider connection is configured and enabled, the option appears in your server
to the matched ClearML group. The server will also make sure the ClearML user is removed from the group if
a previous membership has been revoked.
1. Click **Test Provider** to make sure that the connection is working. This calls the identity provider, and displays
the returned information, so you can verify that the information was mapped correctly. An error will be displayed, if the provider fails to connect.
![Test provider window](../img/settings_sso_provider_test.png)
2. Click **Save**
The **Provider Connections** table lists all currently defined connections, and the following details: