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diff --git a/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_table.md b/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_table.md
index fb6fd791..b10f5df9 100644
--- a/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_table.md
+++ b/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_table.md
@@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ The experiments table is a [customizable](#customizing-the-experiments-table) li
table, view experiment details, and work with experiments (reset, clone, enqueue, create [tracking leaderboards](../guides/ui/building_leader_board.md)
to monitor experimentation, and more). The experiments table's auto-refresh lets users continually monitor experiment progress.
-View the experiments table in table view
-or in details view ,
+View the experiments in table view ,
+details view , or
+comparison view
using the buttons on the top left of the page. Use the table view for a comparative view of your experiments according
to columns of interest. Use the details view to access a selected experiment's details, while keeping the experiment list
in view. Details view can also be accessed by double-clicking a specific experiment in the table view to open its details view.
+Use the [comparison view](#comparing-experiments) to compare your experiments' scalar and plot results (for a more in
+depth comparison, see [Comparing Experiments](webapp_exp_comparing.md)). When selected, this view presents a comparison
+of all selected experiments. If no experiments are selected, all currently visible experiments in the table are compared.
You can archive experiments so the experiments table doesn't get too cluttered. Click **OPEN ARCHIVE** on the top of the
table to open the archive and view all archived experiments. From the archive, you can restore
@@ -188,6 +192,37 @@ selecting items beyond the items currently on-screen:
* **None** - Clear selection
* **Filtered** - Select **all experiments in the project** that match the current active filters in the project
+## Comparing Experiments
+The comparison view compares experiment scalar and plot results (for a more in depth comparison, see [Comparing Experiments](webapp_exp_comparing.md)).
+When selected, the view presents a comparison of all [selected experiments](#selecting-multiple-experiments). If no
+experiments are selected, all currently visible experiments in the table are displayed in the comparison.
+In the dropdown menu, select to view **Scalars** or **Plots**. **Scalars** shows experiments' scalar results as time
+series line graphs. **Plots** shows the last reported iteration sample of each metric/variant combination per compared
+Line, scatter, and bar graphs are compared by overlaying each metric/variant from all compared experiments' into a
+single comparative plot.
+Other plot types are displayed separately for each experiment.
+All single value scalars are plotted into a single clustered bar chart under the "Summary" title, where each cluster
+represents a reported metric, and each bar in the cluster represents an experiment.
+Click to customize which
+metrics to view.
+In the **Scalars** view, click to access
+scalar plot tools (see [here](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#scalar-plot-tools)).
## Creating an Experiment Leaderboard
Filter and sort the experiments of any project to create a leaderboard that can be shared and stored. This leaderboard
diff --git a/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md b/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md
index c2f2bfcc..c35256d3 100644
--- a/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md
+++ b/docs/webapp/webapp_exp_track_visual.md
@@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ The Installed Packages section lists the experiment's installed Python packages

+When a ClearML agent executing an experiment ends up using a different set of python packages than was originally
+specified, both the original specification (`original pip` or `original conda`), and the packages the agent ended up
+using to set up an environment (`pip` or `conda`) are available. Select which requirements to view in the dropdown menu.
### Container
The Container section list the following information:
* Image - a pre-configured Docker that ClearML Agent will use to remotely execute this experiment (see [Building Docker containers](../clearml_agent.md#exporting-a-task-into-a-standalone-docker-container))
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