Update docs (#687)
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Use frame viewer controls to navigate between frames in a Hyper-Dataset Version,
|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-zoom-out.svg" alt="Zoom out icon" className="icon size-md space-sm" />|Zoom out| **-** or Ctrl + Mouse wheel |
|Percentage textbox|Zoom percentage| <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="Not applicable" className="icon size-md center-md" /> |
|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-shared-item.svg" alt="Copy URL" className="icon size-md space-sm" />| Copy frame URL. A direct link to view the current frame|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="Not applicable" className="icon size-md center-md" /> |
|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-reset.svg" alt="Refresh" className="icon size-md space-sm" />|Refresh version preview|<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg" alt="Not applicable" className="icon size-md center-md" /> |
#### Additional Keyboard Shortcuts
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The tree view shows the lineage of the dataset's versions.

Use the search bar to find specific versions. You can query by version name or version description. The search returns
Use the search bar to find specific versions. You can query by version name, version description, or version ID. The search returns
all versions that match the query.
In tree view, parent versions that do not match the query where a child version does appear in a muted color.
@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ Access dataset version actions, by right-clicking a version, or through the menu
* **Delete** - Delete the version. Only *Draft* versions can be deleted.
* **Publish** - Make a *Draft* version read-only to preserve its contents.
:::tip Publishing versions
When publishing a version, you can create an additional working copy. The new version is created in a *draft* state, and
inherits all the published version's frames.

## Version Data
A selected dataset version's information and contents are presented on the main section of the page, to the right of
the dataset's version list.
Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
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@ -1,29 +1,23 @@
title: Comparing Experiments
It is always useful to investigate what causes an experiment to succeed.
The ClearML Web UI provides experiment comparison features, allowing to locate, visualize, and analyze differences including:
* [Details](#details)
- Artifacts - Input model, output model, and model design.
- Execution - Installed packages and source code.
- Configuration - Configuration objects used by the experiment.
- Info - General experiment details.
* [Hyperparameters](#hyperparameters)
- [Values (table) view](#values-mode) - Key/value of all the arguments used by the experiments.
- [Parallel coordinates view](#parallel-coordinates-mode) - Impact of each argument on a selected metric
the experiments reported (see [task.connect_configuration](../references/sdk/task.md#connect_configuration)).
* [Scalars](#scalars)
- Specific values and plots of scalar series (see [reporting scalars](../guides/reporting/scalar_reporting.md) / [automatic reporting](../fundamentals/logger.md#automatic-reporting))
* [Plots](#plots)
- Plots are combined to have multiple lines from different experiments (for example multiple RoC curves laid on top
of each other).
* [Debug samples](#debug-samples)
- Debug samples by each iteration
- Examine samples with a viewer (for images and video), and a player (for audio) (see [reporting media](../guides/reporting/media_reporting.md)).
The ClearML Web UI provides features for comparing experiments, allowing to locate, visualize, and analyze the
differences in experiments’ results and their causes. You can view the differences in:
* [Details](#side-by-side-textual-comparison) - Compare experiment source code, package versions, models, configuration
objects, and other details.
* Hyperparameters
* [Values](#side-by-side-textual-comparison) - Compare parameters and their values
* [Parallel coordinates](#parallel-coordinates-mode) - View the impact of hyperparameters on a selected metric
* Scalars - Compare experiment metrics:
* [Values](#tabular-scalar-comparison) - Compare minimal, maximal or last reported values in a concise comparison
* [Graphs](#plot-comparison) - Overlay compared experiments in a single graph per metric
* [Plots](#plot-comparison) - Compare experiment plots
* [Debug samples](#side-by-side-debug-sample-comparison) - Compare debug samples by iteration
The ClearML experiment comparison provides [comparison features](#comparison-features) making it easy to compare experiments.
With these comparisons, you can investigate the impact of different setups on your experiment results, and gain insight
for crafting future experiments.
## Selecting Experiments to Compare
@ -32,248 +26,147 @@ To select experiments to compare:
1. Select the experiments to compare. Once multiple experiments are selected, the batch action bar appears.
1. In the batch action bar, click **COMPARE**.
The comparison page opens in the **DETAILS** tab, showing a column for each experiment. The experiment on the left is
used as the base experiment, to which the other experiments are compared.
The comparison page opens in the **DETAILS** tab with the experiments [compared side by side](#side-by-side-textual-comparison).
## Details
### Modifying Experiment Selection
The **DETAILS** tab includes deep comparisons of the following:
* Artifacts - Input/output models and their configuration, and other artifacts, if any.
* Execution Details - Source code, uncommitted changes, and installed python packages. See details [here](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#execution).
* Configuration - Configuration objects used by the experiment, sorted by sections. See details [here](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#configuration).
* Info - General experiment details. This includes information describing the stored experiment. See details [here](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#general-information).
Click the `EXPERIMENTS` button to view your currently compared experiments. Click `X` on a listed experiment to remove
it from the comparison.
**To Locate the Source Differences:**

Click the **DETAILS** tab **>** Expand highlighted sections, or, in the header, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous-diff.svg" alt="Up arrow" className="icon size-md" />
(previous diff) or <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next-diff.svg" alt="Down arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (next diff).
For example, in the image below, expanding **ARTIFACTS** **>** **Output Model** **>** **Model** shows that the model names
are different.

## Hyperparameters
Compare hyperparameters as values, or compare by metric (hyperparameter parallel coordinate comparison).
### Values Mode
The Values mode is a side-by-side comparison that shows hyperparameter value differences highlighted line-by-line.
**To view a side by side values comparison:**
1. Click the **HYPERPARAMETERS** tab.
1. In the dropdown menu (on the upper left, next to **+ Add Experiments**), choose **Values**.
1. To show only differences, move the **Hide Identical Fields** slider to on.
1. Locate differences by either:
* Clicking <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous-diff.svg" alt="Up arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (previous diff) or
<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next-diff.svg" alt="Down arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (next diff).
* Scrolling to see highlighted hyperparameters.
For example, expanding **General** shows that the `batch_size` and `epochs` differ between the experiments.

### Parallel Coordinates Mode
In the Parallel Coordinates mode, compare a metric to any combination of hyperparameters using a parallel coordinates plot.
**To compare by metric:**
1. Click the **HYPERPARAMETERS** tab.
1. In the dropdown menu (on the upper left, next to **+ Add Experiments**), choose **Parallel Coordinates**.
1. In **Performance Metric**, expand a metric or monitored resource, and then click a variant.
1. Select the metric values to use. Choose one of the following:
* **LAST** - The final value, or the most recent value, for in-progress experiments.
* **MIN** - Minimal value.
* **MAX** - Maximal value.
1. In **Parameters**, select the hyperparameter checkboxes to compare.
1. To view one experiment on the plot, hover over the experiment name in the legend.
For example, plot the metric/variant `epoch_accuracy`/`validation: epoch_accuracy` against the hyperparameters
`batch_size` and `epochs`.

Hover over one of the experiment names in the legend, and the plot shows only that data.

## Scalars
Visualize the comparison of scalars, which includes metrics and monitored resources in the **SCALARS** tab.
### Compare Specific Values
**To compare specific values:**
1. Click the **SCALARS** tab.
1. In the dropdown menu (upper right of the left sidebar), choose either:
* **Last Values** (the final or most recent value)
* **Min Values** (the minimal values)
* **Max Values** (the maximal values)
1. Sort by variant.

### Compare Scalar Series
Compare scalar series in plots and analyze differences using plot tools.
**To compare scalar series:**
1. Click the **SCALARS** tab.
1. In the dropdown menu (upper right of the left sidebar), choose **Graph**.
**To improve scalar series analysis:**
* In **Group by**, select one of these option:
* **Metric** - all variants for a metric on the same plot.
* **Metric+Variant** - every variant appears on its own plot.
* Horizontal axis options:
* Iterations,
* Relative time since the experiment began,
* Wall (clock time).
* Smooth a curve - move the **Smoothing** slider or type in a smoothing number from **0** to **0.999**.
* Use plot controls, which appear when you hover over the top of a plot.
* Hide / show scalar plots - Click **Hide all** and <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show.svg" alt="Eye Show All" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
* Filter scalars by full or partial scalar name.
This image shows scalars grouped by metric.

This image shows scalars grouped by metric and variant.

## Plots
Visualize the comparison of any data that ClearML automatically captures or that is explicitly reported in experiments,
in the **PLOTS** tab. The tab displays plots of the last reported iteration sample of each metric/variant combination per
compared experiment. Line, scatter, and bar graphs are each merged into single plots presenting all the compared
experiments' graphs for each metric/variant. The rest of the plots are displayed separately for each experiment.
**To compare plots:**
1. Click the **PLOTS** tab.
1. To improve your comparison, use either of the following:
* To locate scalars, click **HIDE ALL**, and then <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-show.svg" alt="Eye Show All" className="icon size-md space-sm" />
(show) to choose which scalars to see. Scalars can also be filtered by full or partial scalar name, using the search bar.
* Use any of the plot controls that appear when hovering over the top of a plot, including:
* Downloading the image
* Downloading the data as JSON
* Zooming
* Panning
* Switching between logarithmic / linear scale.
## Debug Samples
Compare debug samples at any iteration to verify that an experiment is running as expected. The most recent iteration appears
first. Use the viewer / player to inspect images, audio, video samples and do any of the following:
* Move to the same sample in a different iteration (move the iteration slider).
* Show the next or previous iteration's sample.
* Download the file <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg" alt="Download" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
* Zoom.
* View the sample's iteration number, width, height, and coordinates.
**To compare debug samples:**
1. Click the **DEBUG SAMPLES** tab. The most recent iteration appears at the top.
1. Locate debug samples by doing the following:
* Filter by metric. In the **Metric** list, choose a metric.
* Show other iterations. Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-older.svg" alt="Left arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (older images),
<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-newer.svg" alt="Right arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (new images), or <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-newest.svg" alt="right arrow, newest image" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (newest images).
* Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-disconnect.svg" alt="Sync selection" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> in
order to synchronize iteration and metric selection across experiments. For example, if you select a metric for
one experiment's debug samples, the same metric will be automatically selected for the rest of the experiments in the comparison.

1. To open a debug sample (image, audio, or video) in the viewer or player, click the thumbnail.

1. To move to the same sample in another iteration, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous.svg" alt="Left arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" />
(previous), <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next.svg" alt="Right arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (next), or move the slider.
**To view a debug sample in the viewer / player:**
1. Click the debug sample thumbnail.
1. Do any of the following:
* Move to the same sample in another iteration - Move the slider, or click **<** (previous) or **>** (next).
* Download the file - Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg" alt="Download" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
* Zoom
* For images, locate a position on the sample - Hover over the sample and the X, Y coordinates appear in the legend below the sample.
## Comparison Features
To assist in experiment analysis, the comparison page supports:
* [Changing compared experiments selection](#changing-compared-experiments-selection)
* [Finding the next or previous difference](#finding-the-next-or-previous-difference).
* [Hiding identical fields](#hiding-identical-fields)
* [Choosing a different base experiment](#choosing-a-different-base-experiment)
* [Dynamic ordering](#dynamic-ordering-of-the-compared-experiments) of the compared experiments
* [Sharing experiments](#sharing-experiments)
* Auto refresh
### Changing Compared Experiments Selection
1. Click **+ Add Experiment** in the top left corner of any of the comparison pages. This will open up a window with an
experiment table with the currently compared experiments at the top.
1. Find the experiments to add by sorting and [filtering](webapp_exp_table.md#filtering-columns) the experiments with
the appropriate column header controls. Alternatively, use the search bar to find experiments by name.
1. Select experiments to include in the comparison (and/or clear the selection of any experiment you wish to remove).
You can add/remove experiments to your comparison:
1. Click the `+` button in any of the comparison tabs. This opens up a window with an experiment table with the currently
compared experiments at the top.

1. Find the experiments to add by sorting and [filtering](webapp_exp_table.md#filtering-columns) the experiments with the
appropriate column header controls. Alternatively, use the search bar to find experiments by name.
1. Select experiments to include in the comparison (and/or clear the selection of any experiments you wish to remove).
1. Click **APPLY**.

## Sharing Comparison Page
To share a comparison page, copy the full URL from the address bar and send it to a teammate to collaborate. They will
get the exact same page (including selected tabs etc.).
## Embedding Comparison Visualization
To embed plots and debug samples from the comparison pages in your [Reports](webapp_reports.md), hover over the
resource and click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg" alt="Embed code" className="icon size-md space-sm" />,
which will copy to clipboard the embed code to put in your Reports. These visualizations are updated live as the
experiments update. The Enterprise Plan and Hosted Service support embedding resources in external tools (e.g. Notion).
## Comparison Modes
The comparison pages provide the following views:
* [Side-by-side textual comparison](#side-by-side-textual-comparison)
* [Tabular scalar comparison](#tabular-scalar-comparison)
* [Parallel coordinates](#parallel-coordinates-mode) for parameter impact on metric
* [Overlaid plot comparison](#plot-comparison)
* Side-by-side [debug sample](#side-by-side-debug-sample-comparison) and [plot](#plot-comparison) comparison
### Finding the Next or Previous Difference
### Side-by-side Textual Comparison
* Find the previous difference <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous-diff.svg" alt="Up arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" />, or
the next difference <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next-diff.svg" alt="Down arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
In the **Details** and **Hyperparameters** (Values view) tabs, you can view differences in the experiments' parameters' nominal
values. The **Details** tab displays the experiments' execution details (source code, uncommitted changes, python packages),
models, artifacts, configuration objects, and additional general information. **Hyperparameters** (Values view) displays the
experiments' hyperparameter and their values.
### Hiding Identical Fields
Move the **Hide Identical Fields** slider to "on" mode to see only fields that are different.
### Choosing a Different Base Experiment
Show differences in other experiments in reference to a new base experiment. To set a new base experiment, do one of the following:
The experiments are laid out in vertical cards, so each field is lined up side-by-side. The experiment on the
left is used as the base experiment, to which the other experiments are compared. You can set a new base experiment in
one of the following ways:
* Click on <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-switch-base.svg" alt="Switch base experiment" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> on the top right of the experiment that will be the new base.
* Click on <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-pan.svg" alt="Pan" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> the new base experiment and drag it all the way to the left
### Dynamic Ordering of the Compared Experiments
The differences between the experiments are highlighted. Easily locate
value differences by clicking click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous-diff.svg" alt="Up arrow" className="icon size-md" />
(previous diff) or <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next-diff.svg" alt="Down arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (next diff)
in the tab header. Obscure identical fields by switching on the **Hide Identical Fields** toggle.
To reorder the experiments being compared, press <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-pan.svg" alt="Pan" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> on the top right of the experiment that
needs to be moved, and drag the experiment to its new position.
Use the search bar to find any field names or values. Lines that match the search query are highlighted, and you can
navigate between search results.
### Removing an Experiment from the Comparison
Remove an experiment from the comparison, by pressing <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-remove-compare.svg" alt="Minus" className="icon size-md space-sm" />
on the top right of the experiment that needs to be removed.

### Sharing Experiments
To share a comparison table, copy the full URL from the address bar and send it to a teammate to collaborate. They will
get the exact same page (including selected tabs etc.).
### Tabular Scalar Comparison
The **Scalars** tab **Values** view lays out the experiments’ metric values in a table: a row per metric/variant and a
column for each experiment. Select from the dropdown menu which metric values to display:
* Last Values: The last reported values for each experiment
* Min Values: The minimal value reported throughout the experiment execution
* Max Values: The maximal value reported throughout the experiment execution
You can download the scalar comparison table as a CSV file by clicking <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg" alt="Download" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
Switch on the **Show row extremes** toggle to highlight each variant's maximum and minimum values.

### Parallel Coordinates Mode
The **Hyperparameters** tab's **Parallel Coordinates** comparison shows experiments’ hyperparameter impact on a specific metric.
**To compare by metric:**
1. Under **Performance Metric**, select a metric to compare for
1. Select the metric values to use in the plot:
* LAST - The final value, or the most recent value, for currently running experiments
* MIN - Minimal value
* MAX - Maximal value
1. In **Parameters**, select the hyperparameters to compare.
For example, plot the metric/variant `accuracy`/`total` against the hyperparameters
`base_lr`, `dropout`, and `number_of_epochs`.

To focus on a specific experiment, hover over its name in the graph legend.
To hide an experiment, click its name in the graph legend (click again to bring back).
### Plot Comparison
The **Scalars** (Graph view) and **Plots** tabs compare experiments’ plots.
The **Scalars** tab displays scalar values as time series line charts. The **Plots** tab compares the last reported
iteration sample of each metric/variant combination per compared experiment.
Line, scatter, and bar graphs are compared by overlaying each metric/variant from all compared experiments' into a single
comparative plot.
Use **Group by** to select how to group plots:
* **Metric** - All variants for a metric appear on the same plot.
* **Metric+Variant** (default) - Every variant appears on its own plot.

Other plot types are displayed separately for each experiment.

All single value scalars are plotted into a single clustered bar chart under the "Summary" title, where each cluster
represents a reported metric, and each bar in the cluster represents an experiment.

Hover over plots to access plot controls (see [Scalar Plot Tools](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#scalar-plot-tools)).
### Side-by-side Debug Sample Comparison
Compare debug samples at different iterations to examine how your experiments perform throughout their execution.
You can view debug samples by metric in the reported iterations. Filter the samples by metric
by selecting a metric from the dropdown menu above the samples. The most recent iteration appears first. To navigate
between iterations, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-older.svg" alt="Left arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (older images),
<img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-newer.svg" alt="Right arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (newer images),
or <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-circle-newest.svg" alt="right arrow, newest image" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (newest images).
Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-disconnect.svg" alt="Sync selection" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> in order
to synchronize iteration and metric selection across experiments. For example, if you select a metric for one
experiment's debug samples, the same metric will be automatically selected for the rest of the experiments in the

Open a debug sample (image, audio, or video) in the viewer or player, by clicking the thumbnail.

To move to the same sample in another iteration, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-previous.svg" alt="Left arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" />
(previous), <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-next.svg" alt="Right arrow" className="icon size-md space-sm" /> (next), or move the slider.
@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ To select models to compare:
1. Select the models to compare. Once multiple models are selected, the batch action bar appears.
1. In the batch action bar, click **COMPARE**.
The comparison page opens in the DETAILS tab, showing a column for each model.
The comparison page opens in the **DETAILS** tab, with the models compared [side by side](#side-by-side-textual-comparison).
## Modifying Model Selection
You can modify the model selection while comparing.
1. Click **+ Add Model** in the top left corner of any of the comparison pages. This will open up a window with a model
table with the currently compared models at the top.
Click the `MODELS` button to view your currently compared models. Click `X` on a listed model to remove
it from the comparison.

You can add/remove models to your comparison:
1. Click the `+` button in any of the comparison tabs. This opens up a window with a model table with the currently
compared models at the top.

1. Find the models to add by sorting and [filtering](webapp_model_table.md#filtering-columns) the models with the
appropriate column header controls. Alternatively, use the search bar to find models by name.
1. Select models to include in the comparison (and/or clear the selection of any models you wish to remove).
@ -29,21 +35,22 @@ get the exact same page (including selected tabs etc.).
## Embedding Comparison Visualization
To embed plots and debug samples from the comparison pages in your [Reports](webapp_reports.md), hover over the
resource and click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-plotly-embed-code.svg" alt="Embed code" className="icon size-md space-sm" />,
which will copy to clipboard the embed code to put in your Reports. In contrast to static screenshots, embedded resources
are retrieved when the report is displayed allowing your reports to show the latest up-to-date data.
which will copy to clipboard the embed code to put in your Reports. These visualizations are updated live as the
models update. The Enterprise Plan and Hosted Service support embedding resources in external tools (e.g. Notion).
## Comparison Modes
The comparison tabs provides the following views:
* Side-by-side textual comparison
* Merged plot comparison
* Side-by-side graphic comparison
* [Side-by-side textual comparison](#side-by-side-textual-comparison)
* [Tabular scalar comparison](#tabular-scalar-comparison)
* [Merged plot comparison](#graphic-comparison)
* [Side-by-side graphic comparison](#graphic-comparison)
### Side-by-side Textual Comparison
In the **Details**, **Network**, and **Scalars** (Values mode) tabs, you can view differences in the models' nominal
In the **Details** and **Network** tabs, you can view differences in the models' nominal
values. **Details** displays the models' general information, labels, and metadata. **Network** displays the models'
configuration. **Scalars** (in Values mode) displays the models' scalar values (min, max, or last). Each model's
configuration. Each model's
information is displayed in a column, so each field is lined up side-by-side.
The model on the left is used as the base model, to which the other models are compared. You can set a new base model
@ -57,8 +64,22 @@ The differences between the models are highlighted. You can obscure identical fi

### Tabular Scalar Comparison
The **Scalars** tab (**Values** view) lays out the models' reported metric values in a table: a row per metric/variant and a
column for each model. Select from the dropdown menu which metric values to display:
* Last Values: The last reported values for each model
* Min Values: The minimal value reported
* Max Values: The maximal value reported
You can download the scalar comparison table as a CSV file by clicking <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg" alt="Download" className="icon size-md space-sm" />.
Switch on the **Show row extremes** toggle to highlight each variant's maximum and minimum values.

### Graphic Comparison
The **Scalars** (Graph mode) and **Plots** tabs display plots attached to the models. The **Scalars** tab compares
The **Scalars** (Graph view) and **Plots** tabs display plots attached to the models. The **Scalars** tab compares
scalar values as time series line charts. The **Plots** tab compares the last reported iteration sample of each
metric/variant combination per compared model.
@ -67,8 +88,13 @@ models are combined.

The rest of the plots which can't be merged are displayed separately for each model.
Other plot types are displayed separately for each model.

All single value scalars are plotted into a single clustered bar chart under the "Summary" title, where each cluster
represents a reported metric, and each bar in the cluster represents a model.

For better plot analysis, see [Plot Controls](webapp_exp_track_visual.md#plot-controls).
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
title: Orchestration Dashboard
:::note Enterprise Feature
This feature is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan
Use the orchestration dashboard to monitor all of your available and in-use compute resources:
* Available and utilized resources global total and by category
* Resource utilization over time
* Resource history event log
* Detailed resource performance metrics

## Resource Categories and Groups
The orchestration dashboard shows your workers by groups and categories, specified by the following naming
policy: `<category>:<group>:<name>`.
When no category is specified, workers are assigned the `DEFAULT` category.
When no group is specified, workers are assigned the `Default Group` group.
## Current Usage Data
The top of the dashboard displays the current resource availability and utilization counts. This gives you an overall
picture of the resources available and in use. The **Total** section displays available and idle resource counts.
These counts are also available per worker category.
The **Totals** section displays:
* GPUs - The total number of GPUs in currently running workers out of the total number of GPUs in all provisioned workers, and the number of idle GPUs. GPUs are considered idle when their average
utilization falls below 80%.
* CPUs - The total number of CPUs in currently running workers out of the total number of CPUs in all provisioned workers, and the number of idle CPUs. CPUs are considered idle when their average
utilization falls below 30%.
* Workers - The number of currently running workers out of the total number of provisioned workers (through autoscalers or K8S), and the number of idle
workers. Workers are considered idle if all of their GPUs and CPUs are idle or if they are not executing any task.
Category sections display the resource count and utilization for:
* Workers
* GPUs
* CPUs
Hover over any of this data to see the number of currently idle machines.
Use the **Event Log** to view updates of worker events: worker addition/removal, worker has become idle/busy.
## Resource Graph
The Resource graph displays resource usage over time. The graph time span can be controlled through the dropdown menu
above the graph (between 3 hours and 1 month). Hover over the plot to see specific data point values.
Click on a group in the **Resource Groups** list below the graph to have the graph display usage for that specific group.
When viewing a group's usage, you can select what data to view in the dropdown menu at the top of the plot:
* Compute Units - Available/Idle CPUs/GPUs
* Compute Utilization - Average CPU/GPU utilization
* Available Memory - Total and Free RAM
* Free Home Storage
* Network Throughput - Rx/Tx
## Resource Groups
The **Resource Groups** table displays current usage numbers for each group:
* Worker count - number of workers in the group
* Average GPU Utilization (%)
* Average CPU Load (%)
* Available (total) RAM (GB)
* Free RAM (GB)
* Free home disk (GB)
* Network (Tx/Rx Mbps)
Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-chevron-right.svg" alt="Expand" className="icon size-md" /> to expand the resource
group and view the stats of each worker within the group. Filters can be applied by
clicking <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-off.svg" alt="Filter" className="icon size-md" /> on a column, and the
relevant filter appears. To clear all active filters, click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-reset.svg" alt="Clear filters" className="icon size-md" />.
Hover over a worker and click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dots-v-menu.svg" alt="Dot menu" className="icon size-md space-sm" />
to access the worker's information panel.
The table highlights values that cross user configured thresholds.

Click <img src="/docs/latest/icons/ico-tune.svg" alt="Tune" className="icon size-md" /> to define the threshold values.
The threshold values applied to the dashboard table affect all workspace users who view the page

Clicking on a resource group opens the group's info panel and replace the **Overview** graph with that resource's usage

The info panel displays the group's:
* Total GPU count
* Total CPU count
* Total Worker RAM
* Total GPU RAM
* Aggregate Idle time in last 30 days
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ consumption as needed–-with no code (available under the ClearML Pro plan)
* Delete empty queues
* Monitor queue utilization
* Reorder, move, and remove experiments from queues
* Monitor all of your available and in-use compute resources (available in the ClearML Enterprise plan. See [Orchestration Dashboard](webapp_orchestration_dash.md))
## Autoscalers
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ module.exports = {
'ClearML Applications': [
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