* Fix initialization wizard (allow at most two verification retries, then print error) ([GitHub trains-agent Issue #16](https://github.com/clearml/clearml-agent/issues/16)).
* Add automation support including hyperparameter optimization (see example [here](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/blob/master/examples/optimization/hyper-parameter-optimization/hyper_parameter_optimizer.py))
*`Task.init``auto_connect_arg_parser` argument can accept a dictionary disabling specific keys from the argparser (Trains Slack channel [thread](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1589355878206700))
* Support layout configuration for plotly objects using `extra_layout` argument in all `Logger` reporting methods ([GitHub Issue #136](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/136)).
* Add `Task.execute_remotely` to allow cloning and enqueuing a locally executed task (or stopping and re-enqueuing a remotely executed task) ([GitHub Issue #128](https://github.com/clearml/clearml/issues/128)).
* Fix issues with plotly support (Trains Slack channel [thread](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1589871253243600) and [thread](https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1589279340195000)).
* Fix default argument behavior to match argparse behavior.
* Fix `OutputModel` with `task=None` should use current task, if exists.
* Fix `Task.get_task()` to raise proper error on incorrect `task_id`.
* Fix `Task.enqueue()` to use an exact queue name match.
* Fix `NaN`, `Inf` and `-Inf` values display in reported table (not supported by JSON).
* Fix `StorageManager` so it should only try to extract .zip files, `Model` should not auto extract package ([GitHub trains-agent Issue #17](https://github.com/clearml/clearml-agent/issues/17)).