* Add `/bin/bash` support in the task's `script.binary` property
* Add support for `.ipynb` script entry files (install nbconvert in runtime, convert file to python and execute the
python script). Includes `CLEARML_AGENT_FORCE_TASK_INIT` patching of `.ipynb` files (post-python conversion)
* Add `CLEARML_MULTI_NODE_SINGLE_TASK` (values -1, 0, 1, 2) for easier multi-node single Task workloads
* Add default docker `agent.default_docker.match_rules` configuration option (note: `matching_rules` are ignored if `--docker container` is passed in command line)
* Add `-m module args` in script entry now supports standalone script. Standalone script is placed in a file specified
by the `working_dir` setting in the `<dir>:<target_file>` format (e.g. `:standalone.py`), or in `untitled.py` if not specified
* Add `K8S_GLUE_POD_USE_IMAGE_ENTRYPOINT` env var to allow running k8s pods without overriding the image entrypoint
(useful for agents using prebuilt images in k8s)
* Add venv cache mount override for non-root containers (use: `agent.docker_internal_mounts.venvs_cache`)
* Add `/bin/bash -c "command"` support. Task binary should be set to `/bin/bash` and `entry_point` should be set to `-c command`
* Add support for tasks containing only bash script or python module command
* Add support for skipping container apt installs using `CLEARML_AGENT_SKIP_CONTAINER_APT` env var in k8s