`clearml-data` comes built-in with our `clearml` python package! Just check out the [getting started](getting_started/ds/ds_first_steps.md) guide for more info!
## Usage
### CLI
It's possible to manage datasets (create \ modify \ upload \ delete) with the `clearml-data` command line tool.
|parents|IDs of the dataset's parents. The dataset inherits all of its parents' content. Multiple parents can be entered, but they are merged in the order they were entered| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|tags |Dataset user tags. The dataset can be labeled, which can be useful for organizing datasets| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|files|Files / folders to add. Wildcard selection is supported, for example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json` | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|dataset-folder | Dataset base folder to add the files to in the dataset. Default: dataset root| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|files | Files / folders to remove (wildcard selection is supported, for example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json`). Notice: file path is the path within the dataset, not the local path.| <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|storage| Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|disable-upload | Disable automatic upload when closing the dataset | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|storage| Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server | <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/> |
|folder|Local folder to sync. Wildcard selection is supported, for example: `~/data/*.jpg ~/data/json`|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|storage|Remote storage to use for the dataset files. Default: files_server |<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|parents|IDs of the dataset's parents (i.e. merge all parents). All modifications made to the folder since the parents were synced will be reflected in the dataset|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|project|If creating a new dataset, specify the dataset's project name|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|name|If creating a new dataset, specify the dataset's name|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|tags|Dataset user tags|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|skip-close|Do not auto close dataset after syncing folders|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|id|Dataset ID whose contents will be shown (alternatively, use project / name combination). Default: previously accessed dataset|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|project|Specify dataset project name (if used instead of ID, dataset name is also required)|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|name|Specify dataset name (if used instead of ID, dataset project is also required)|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|filter|Filter files based on folder / wildcard. Multiple filters are supported. Example: `folder/date_*.json folder/sub-folder`|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|modified|Only list file changes (add / remove / modify) introduced in this version|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|id|ID of dataset to be deleted. Default: previously created / accessed dataset that hasn't been finalized yet|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|force|Force dataset deletion even if other dataset versions depend on it|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>||
|use_soft_links|If True, use soft links. Default: False on Windows, True on Posix systems|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|raise_on_error|If True, raise exception if dataset merging failed on any file|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|target_folder|Local target folder for the writable copy of the dataset|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|overwrite|If True, recursively delete the contents of the target folder before creating a copy of the dataset. If False (default) and target folder contains files, raise exception or return None|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|raise_on_error|If True, raise exception if dataset merging failed on any file|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|dataset_name|Name of the new dataset|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|dataset_project|The project containing the dataset. If not specified, infer project name from parent datasets. If there is no parent dataset, then this value is required|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|parent_datasets|Expand a parent dataset by adding / removing files|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|use_current_task|If True, the dataset is created on the current Task. Default: False|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|path|Add a folder / file to the dataset|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-no.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|wildcard|Add only a specific set of files based on wildcard matching. Wildcard matching can be a single string or a list of wildcards, for example: `~/data/*.jpg`, `~/data/json`|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|local_base_folder|Files will be located based on their relative path from local_base_folder|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|dataset_path|Where in the dataset the folder / files should be located|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|recursive|If True, match all wildcard files recursively|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|
|verbose| If True, print to console files added / modified|<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-optional-yes.svg"className="icon size-md center-md"/>|