* Version details button - Hover over the version and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-console.svg"alt="console"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
to view the version’s [details panel](#version-details-panel)
## Version Details
### Version Info
On the right side of the dataset version panel, view the **VERSION INFO** which shows:
* Version description - to modify, hover over description and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-edit.svg"alt="Edit pencil"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> ,
To view the information for any version in the lineage graph, click its node, and the **VERSION INFO** panel displays
that version's details.
### Version Details Panel
Click on **DETAILS** on the top left of the info panel or hover over a version node and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-console.svg"alt="details"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
to view:
* **CONTENT** - Table summarizing version contents, including file names, file sizes, and hashes
Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-max-panel.svg"alt="Expand"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> on the content panel header to view the panel in full screen.
The actions mentioned in the chart above can be performed on multiple versions at once. [Select multiple versions](#selecting-multiple-versions),
then use either the context menu, or the bar that appears at the bottom of the page, to perform operations on the
selected versions.
## Selecting Multiple Versions
Select multiple versions by clicking the checkbox on the left of each relevant version. Clear any existing selection by
clicking the checkbox in the top left corner of the list.
Click the checkbox in the top left corner of the list to select all items currently visible.
An extended bulk selection tool is available through the down arrow next to the checkbox in the top left corner, enabling selecting items beyond the items currently on-screen:
* All - Select all versions in the dataset
* None - Clear selection
* Filtered - Select all versions in the dataset that match the current active filters