The llama.cpp Model Deployment App is available under the ClearML Enterprise plan.
The llama.cpp Model Deployment app enables users to quickly deploy LLM models in GGUF format using [`llama.cpp`](
The llama.cpp Model Deployment application serves your model on a machine of your choice. Once an app instance is
running, it serves your model through a secure, publicly accessible network endpoint. The app monitors endpoint activity
and shuts down if the model remains inactive for a specified maximum idle time.
:::important AI Application Gateway
The llama.cpp Model Deployment app makes use of the ClearML Traffic Router which implements a secure, authenticated
network endpoint for the model.
If the ClearML AI application Gateway is not available, the model endpoint might not be accessible.
*<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-llama-active.svg"alt="Active server"className="icon size-lg space-sm"/> - App instance is running and is actively in use
*<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-llama-loading.svg"alt="Loading server"className="icon size-lg space-sm"/> - App instance is setting up
*<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-llama-idle.svg"alt="Idle server"className="icon size-lg space-sm"/> - App instance is idle
*<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-llama-stopped.svg"alt="Stopped server"className="icon size-lg space-sm"/> - App instance is stopped
When configuring a new llama.cpp Model Deployment instance, you can fill in the required parameters or reuse the
configuration of a previously launched instance.
Launch an app instance with the configuration of a previously launched instance using one of the following options:
* Cloning a previously launched app instance will open the instance launch form with the original instance's configuration prefilled.
* Importing an app configuration file. You can export the configuration of a previously launched instance as a JSON file when viewing its configuration.
The prefilled configuration form can be edited before launching the new app instance.
To configure a new app instance, click `Launch New`<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-add.svg"alt="Add new"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>