desired input box, and select the users / service accounts / groups from the list that appears. Filter the list by
typing part of the desired object name. To revoke
access, hover over a user's, service account's, or group's row and click the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-trash.svg"alt="Trash can"className="icon size-md"/>
Access is inherited according to resource hierarchy. For example, if a user is given access to a project, the user will
also have access to the project's contents (tasks, models, etc.). A user who is granted access to a specific task will
not have access to another task in the project, unless explicitly granted.
## Editing Access Rules
1. Hover over the access rule's row on the table
1. Click the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-edit.svg"alt="Edit Pencil"className="icon size-md"/> button
1. Change the resource, resource object, and permission type as desired
1. Edit access rule users / service accounts / groups (see details [here](#creating-access-rules))
1. Click **SAVE**
## Deleting Access Rules
1. Hover over the access rule's row on the **Access Rules** table
1. Click the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-trash.svg"alt="Trash can"className="icon size-md"/> button
All users, service accounts, and user groups who had been assigned to the deleted access rule, will lose the access privileges granted by
that rule (unless otherwise provided by a different rule).
## Filtering Access Rules Table
The access rules table can be filtered by resource type and by target resource and users / groups.
* **To filter by resource**, click the **View** dropdown menu and select the desired resource
* **To filter by target resource or users / groups / service accounts**, click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-off.svg"alt="Filter"className="icon size-md"/>
on the respective column and select the users / groups / service accountsto view from the list that appears.