The experiments table is a [customizable](#customizing-the-experiments-table) list of experiments associated with a project. From the experiments
table, view experiment details, and work with experiments (reset, clone, enqueue, create [tracking leaderboards](../guides/ui/
to monitor experimentation, and more). The experiments table's auto-refresh allows users to continually monitor experiment progress.
| **TYPE** | Type of experiment. ClearML supports multiple [task types](../fundamentals/ for experimentation, and a variety of workflows and use cases. | Default |
| **TAGS** | Descriptive, user-defined, color-coded tags assigned to experiments. Use tags to classify experiments, and filter the list. See [tagging experiments]( | Default |
| **DESCRIPTION** | A description of the experiment. For cloned experiments, the description indicates it was auto generated with a timestamp. | Default (hidden) |
| **RUN TIME** | The current / total running time of the experiment. | Default (hidden) |
| **_Metrics_** | Add metrics column (last, minimum, and / or maximum values). The metrics depend upon the experiments in the table. See [adding metrics](#to-add-metrics). | Customizable |
| **_Hyperparameters_** | Add hyperparameters. The hyperparameters depend upon the experiments in the table. See [adding hyperparameters](#to-add-hyperparameters). | Customizable |
* Dynamic column order - Drag a column title to a different position.
* Resize columns - Drag the column separator to change the width of that column. Double click the column separator for
automatic fit.
* Changing table columns
* Show / hide columns - Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-settings.svg"alt="Setting Gear"className="icon size-md"/>
**>** mark or clear the checkboxes of columns to show or hide.
* Add custom columns - Click **+ METRICS** or **+ HYPER PARAMETERS** to add metric / hyperparameter columns to the
main column list. Added columns are by default displayed in the table. You can remove the custom columns from the
main column list or the column addition windows.
* [Filter columns](#filtering-columns)
* Sort columns - According to metrics and hyperparameters, type of experiment, experiment name, start and last update elapsed time, and last iteration.
tooltip that appears. To view all precise values in a column, hover over a float and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-line-expand.svg"alt="Expand"className="icon size-md"/>.
Once a filter is applied to a column, its filter icon will appear with a highlighted dot on its top right (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-on.svg"alt="Filter on"className="icon size-md"/> ).
Access these actions with the context menu in any of the following ways:
* In the experiments table,right click an experiment or hover over an experiment and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dots-v-menu.svg"alt="Dot menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
* In an experiment info panel, click the menu button <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Bar menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
| Details | Open the experiment's [info panel]( (keeps the experiments list in view). | Any state | None |
| View Full Screen | View experiment details in [full screen]( | Any state | None |
| Manage Queue | If an experiment is *Pending* in a queue, view the utilization of that queue, manage that queue (remove experiments and change the order of experiments), and view information about the worker(s) listening to the queue. See the [Workers and Queues]( page. | *Enqueued* | None |
| View Worker | If an experiment is *Running*, view resource utilization, worker details, and queues to which a worker is listening. | *Running* | None |
| Share | For **ClearML Hosted Service** users only, [share]( an experiment and its model with a **ClearML Hosted Service** user in another workspace. | Any state | None |
| Archive | To more easily work with active experiments, move an experiment to the archive. See [Archiving]( | Any state | None |
| Enqueue | Add an experiment to a queue for a worker or workers (listening to the queue) to execute. | *Draft* | *Pending* |
| Dequeue | Remove an experiment from a queue. | *Pending* | *Draft* |
| Reset | Delete the log and output from a previous run of an experiment (for example, before rerunning it). | *Completed*, *Aborted*, or *Failed* | *Draft* |
| Abort All Children | Manually terminate all *Running* experiments which have this task as a parent | *Running* or *Aborted* | None for parent experiment, *Aborted* for child experiments |
| Publish | Publish an experiment to prevent changes to its tracking data, inputs, and outputs. Published experiments and their models are read-only. *Published* experiments cannot be enqueued, but they can be cloned, and their clones can be edited, tuned, and enqueued. | *Completed*, *Aborted*, or *Failed*. | *Published* |
| Add Tag | Tag experiments with color-coded labels to assist you in organizing your work. See [tagging experiments]( | Any state | None |
| Clone | Make an exact, editable copy of an experiment (for example, to reproduce an experiment, but keep the original). | *Draft* | Newly Cloned Experiment is *Draft* |
| Custom action | The ClearML Enterprise Server provides a mechanism to define your own custom actions, which will appear in the context menu. See [Custom UI Context Menu Actions](../deploying_clearml/ | Any State | None |
[Select multiple experiments](#selecting-multiple-experiments), then use either the context menu, or the bar that appears at the bottom of the page, to perform