With ClearML k8s-glue you can enable launching ClearML sessions directly within Kubernetes pods. Set up the network and
ingress settings for `clearml-session` in the `sessions` section of the [`values.yaml`](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml)
Make sure to set the following values:
* Set `portModeEnabled: true` to allow sessions to run directly from a pod
*`svcType` - Set the service type to either `NodePort` or `LoadBalancer`. Note that if set to `NodePort`, the
`externalIP` must be set to the IP of one of the workers. If set to `LoadBalancer`, you need to have a LoadBalancer and
external IP address set up in advance, before applying the chart
*`externalIP` - Define an external IP address that the client will connect to. Note that this external IP needs to be
set up in advance.
*`maxServices` - The maximum number of sessions the agent will spawn
For example:
# -- Sessions internal service configuration
# -- Enable/Disable sessions portmode WARNING: only one Agent deployment can have this set to true
portModeEnabled: true
# -- specific annotations for session services
svcAnnotations: {}
# -- service type ("NodePort" or "ClusterIP" or "LoadBalancer")
svcType: "NodePort"
# -- External IP sessions clients can connect to
# -- starting range of exposed NodePorts
startingPort: 30000
# -- maximum number of NodePorts exposed
maxServices: 20
For more information, see [Kubernetes](../clearml_agent.md#kubernetes).
You can upload local files and directories from your local machine into the remote session by specifying their path with
`--upload-files <file_path>`. The entire content of the directory or file will be copied into your remote
`clearml-session` container under the `~/session-files/` directory.
clearml-session --upload-files /mnt/data/stuff
You can upload your files in conjunction with the `--store-workspace` option to easily move workloads between local
development machines and remote machines with persistent workspace synchronization. See [Storing and Synchronizing Workspace](#storing-and-synchronizing-workspace).
| `--base-task-id` | Pass the ID of a task that will become the base task, so the session will use its configurations | `none` or the previously entered base task |
| `--config-file` | Specify a path to another configuration file for `clearml-session` to store its previous state | `.clearml_session.json` or previously entered configuration file |
| `--continue-session` | Pass the session of a previous session to continue, restoring your workspace (see `--store-workspace`) | `none` |
| `--debugging-session` | Pass existing Task ID, create a copy of the experiment on a remote machine, and launch Jupyter/SSH for interactive access. Example `--debugging-session <task_id>`| `none`|
| `--init-script` | Specify a BASH init script file to be executed when the interactive session is being set up | `none` or previously entered BASH script |
| `--keepalive` | If set, enables transparent proxy that keep sockets alive to maintain the connection to the remote resource | `false` - do not use transparent socket for mitigating connection drops |
| `--packages`| Additional packages to add. Supports version numbers. Example: `--packages torch==1.7 tqdm` | Previously added packages.|
| `--password`| Set your own SSH password for the interactive session | A randomly generated password or a previously used one |
| `--project`| Set the project name to the interactive session task| `DevOps` |
| `--public-ip` | If `true`, register the public IP of the remote machine (if you are running the session on a public cloud) | `false` - Session runs on the machine whose agent is executing the session|
| `--queue`| Select the queue to launch the interactive session on | Previously used queue|
| `--queue-excluded-tag` | The queue option list will exclude queues with specified tags. See the `tags` parameter in the [queues.create](../references/api/queues.md#post-queuescreate) API call | `none` |
| `--queue-include-tag` | The queue option list will include only queues with specified tags. See the `tags` parameter in the [queues.create](../references/api/queues.md#post-queuescreate) API call | `none` |
| `--remote-gateway` | Specify a gateway IP to pass to the interactive session, if an external address needs to be accessed | `none`|
| `--remote-ssh-port`| Set the remote SSH server port, running on the agent's machine | 10022|
| `--requirements`| Specify `requirements.txt` file to install when setting the interactive session. | `none` or previously used requirements (can be overridden by calling `--packages`)|
| `--skip-docker-network` | Don't pass the `--network host` flag to the Docker that is launching the remote session. See [Networking using the host network](https://docs.docker.com/network/network-tutorial-host/) | `false`|
| `--store-workspace` | Upload/Restore remote workspace folder and extract it into the next session. Use with `--continue-session` to continue your previous work from your exact container state | `none` |
| `--upload-files`| Specify local files/folders to upload to the remote session|`none`|
| `--vscode-version` | Set VSCode server (code-server) version, as well as VSCode python extension version <vscode:python-ext> (example: "3.7.4:2020.10.332292344")| `4.14.1:2023.12.0`|