Filter the hyper-datasets to find the one you’re looking for more easily. These filters can be applied by clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-off.svg"alt="Filter"className="icon size-md"/>:
* My Work - Show only hyper-datasets that you created
* Tags - Choose which tags to filter by from a list of tags used in the hyper-datasets.
* Filter by multiple tag values using the **ANY** or **ALL** options, which correspond to the logical "AND" and "OR"
respectively. These options appear on the top of the tag list.
* Filter by the absence of a tag (logical "NOT") by clicking its checkbox twice. An X will appear in the tag's checkbox.
* If the dataset contains dataset-level metadata, the card displays the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-status-completed.svg"alt="Check mark"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
* The total number of frames in all versions of the Dataset. If an asterisk (\*) appears next to **FRAMES**, then you can hover over it and see the name of the version whose frames were last updated
* The percentage of frames annotated in all versions of the Dataset. If an asterisk (\*) appears next to **ANNOTATED**, then you can hover over it and see the name of the version whose frames were last annotated