Since the Bare Metal pool does not have any more available resources, additional jobs will be assigned resources from
the next pool that the Resource Profile is connected to. The H100 pool has 8 available resources. There are still 2 jobs
pending from the Dev team requiring 8 resources in total, and 4 jobs from the Research team requiring 16 resources in
total. In order to honor the Research team’s resource reservation, its first two jobs will be assigned the required 8
resources from the H100 pool.
All available resources having been assigned - 2 jobs of each team will remain pending until some of the currently
running jobs finish and resources become available.
## Applying Resource Configuration
Administrators can globally activate/deactivate resource policy management. To enable the currently provisioned
configuration, click on the `Enable resource management` toggle. Enabling resource management will service the policy
queues according to the provisioned resource profile and pool assignments. Disabling the resource management will stop
serving the policy queues. Tasks on these queues will remain pending until resource policy management is reenabled.
Administrators can add, edit, delete, and connect resource pools and profiles in the Resource Configuration settings
To make any change (create, delete, or modify a component) to the resource configuration, follow the following steps:
1. Click **Open Editor** to go into Editing mode
1. After making the desired changes you have the following options:
* **Save** - Save the changes you made. These changes will not be applied until you click on Provision
* **Provision** - Apply the resource policy’s saved changes
* **Reset Configuration** - Set the editor to the currently provisioned values. This will delete any unprovisioned
changes (both saved and unsaved)
1. Click **Exit** to leave Editor mode. The page will show the provisioned configuration. Unprovisioned saved changes will
still be available in Editor mode.
### Resource Pool
**To create a resource pool:**
1. Click **+ Add Pool**
1. In the **Create Pool** modal, input:
* Name - The resource pool’s name. This will appear in the Pool’s information card in the Resource Configuration settings page
* Number of Resources - Number of resources available in this pool
* Description - Optional free form text for additional descriptive information
1. Click **Create**
**To modify a resource pool**
1. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> on the relevant
resource pool card **>** click **Edit**
1. In the **Edit Pool** modal, change the pool’s name, number of resources, or description
1. Click **Save**
You can also change the Execution Priority of the [linked resource profiles](#connecting-profiles-to-pools). Click and
drag the profile connection anchor <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-resource-anchor.svg"alt="Resourch anchor"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
to change its position in the order of priority.
### Resource Profile
**To create a resource profile:**
1. Click **+ Add Profile**
1. In the **Create Profile** modal, input:
* Name - The resource profile’s name. This will appear in the profile’s information card in the Resource Configuration settings page
* Resource Allotment - Number of resources allocated to each job running in this profile
3. Click **Create**
**To modify a resource profile:**
1. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> on the relevant
resource profile card > click **Edit**
1. In the **Edit Profile** modal, change the pool's name, number of resources, or description
1. Click **Save**
To control which pool's resources will be assigned first, click and drag the pool connection anchor <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-resource-anchor.svg"alt="connection anchor"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
to change its position in order of priority.
You can also change the Execution Priority of the resource policies making use of this profile. Open the policy list,
then click the policy anchor <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-drag-vertical.svg"alt="policy anchor"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
and drag the policy to change its position in order of priority.
**To delete a resource profile:**
1. Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-bars-menu.svg"alt="Menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/> on the relevant resource pool card
1. Click Delete
### Connecting Profiles to Pools
Connect a resource profile to a resource pool to allow jobs assigned to the profile to make use of the pool’s resources.
**To connect a profile to a pool:**
1. Click **Open Editor**
1. Drag the <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-profile-link.svg"alt="Profile-pool link"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
of the relevant profile to the resource pool you want to connect the profile to. This opens the **Connect Profile** modal
1. In the **Connect Profile** modal, input a name for this connection. This connection name will appear on the profile
The settings page will show a line linking the profile and the pool cards. The linked profile appears on the pool card,
showing its place in the order of execution. To change the profile's priority placement, drag its connection anchor <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-resource-anchor.svg"alt="connection anchor"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
to a new position.
**To disconnect a profile from a pool:**
1. Click **Open Editor**
1. On the relevant profile card, hover over connection name and click `X`
Jobs assigned to this resource profile will no longer be able to utilize the pool’s resources.