You can download the pipeline runs table as a CSV file by clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-download.svg"alt="Download"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
and choosing one of these options:
* **Download onscreen items** - Download the values for pipeline runs currently visible on screen
* **Download all items** - Download the values for all runs in this pipeline that match the current active filters
The downloaded data consists of the currently displayed table columns.
| **VERSION** | The pipeline version number. Corresponds to the [PipelineController](../../references/sdk/'s and [PipelineDecorator](../../references/sdk/'s `version` parameter | Version string |
| **STATUS** | Pipeline run's status. See a list of the [task states and state transitions](../../fundamentals/ For Running, Failed, and Aborted runs, you will also see a progress indicator next to the status. See [here](../../pipelines/ | String |
| **_Metrics_** | Add metrics column (last, minimum, and/or maximum values). Available options depend upon the runs in the table. | Varies according to runs in table |
Changes are persistent (cached in the browser) and represented in the URL, so customized settings can be saved in a
browser bookmark and shared with other ClearML users.
:::note Float Values Display
By default, the runs table displays rounded up float values. Hover over a float to view its precise value in the
tooltip that appears. To view all precise values in a column, hover over a float and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-line-expand.svg"alt="Expand"className="icon size-md"/>.
### Filtering Columns
Filters can be applied by clicking <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-off.svg"alt="Filter"className="icon size-md"/>
on a column, and the relevant filter appears.
There are a few types of filters:
* Value set - Choose which values to include from a list of all values in the column
Once a filter is applied to a column, its filter icon will appear with a highlighted dot on its top right (<imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-filter-on.svg"alt="Filter on"className="icon size-md"/>).
* In the pipeline runs table, right-click a run, or hover over a pipeline and click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-dots-v-menu.svg"alt="Dot menu"className="icon size-md space-sm"/>
| Delete | Action available in the archive. Delete a run and its steps, which will also remove all their logs, results, artifacts and debug samples | Any State | N/A |
Click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-settings.svg"alt="Setting Gear"className="icon size-md"/> to customize which
metrics to view.
In the **Scalars** view, click <imgsrc="/docs/latest/icons/ico-tune.svg"alt="Tuning"className="icon size-md"/> to access [scalar plot tools](../
**Plots** shows the last reported iteration sample of each metric/variant combination per compared run.
Line, scatter, box, and bar graphs are compared by overlaying each metric/variant from all compared runs' into a single