mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 19:20:41 +00:00
351 lines
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351 lines
15 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import subprocess
from itertools import chain
from os import path
from os.path import sep
from sys import platform as sys_platform
import pytest
import requirements
from trains_agent.commands.worker import Worker
from trains_agent.helper.package.pytorch import PytorchRequirement
from trains_agent.helper.package.requirements import RequirementsManager, \
RequirementSubstitution, MarkerRequirement
from trains_agent.helper.process import get_bash_output
from trains_agent.session import Session
_cuda_based_packages_hack = ('seematics.caffe', 'lightnet')
def old_get_suffix(session):
cuda_version = session.config['agent.cuda_version']
cudnn_version = session.config['agent.cudnn_version']
if cuda_version and cudnn_version:
nvcc_ver = cuda_version.strip()
cudnn_ver = cudnn_version.strip()
if sys_platform == 'win32':
nvcc_ver = subprocess.check_output('nvcc --version'.split()).decode('utf-8'). \
replace('\r', '').split('\n')
nvcc_ver = subprocess.check_output(
'nvcc --version'.split()).decode('utf-8').split('\n')
nvcc_ver = [l for l in nvcc_ver if 'release ' in l]
nvcc_ver = nvcc_ver[0][nvcc_ver[0].find(
'release ') + len('release '):][:3]
nvcc_ver = str(int(float(nvcc_ver) * 10))
if sys_platform == 'win32':
cuda_lib = subprocess.check_output('where nvcc'.split()).decode('utf-8'). \
replace('\r', '').split('\n')[0]
cudnn_h = sep.join(cuda_lib.split(
sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h'])
cuda_lib = subprocess.check_output(
'which nvcc'.split()).decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0]
cudnn_h = path.join(
sep, *(cuda_lib.split(sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h']))
cudnn_mj, cudnn_mi = None, None
for l in open(cudnn_h, 'r'):
if 'CUDNN_MAJOR' in l:
cudnn_mj = l.split()[-1]
if 'CUDNN_MINOR' in l:
cudnn_mi = l.split()[-1]
if cudnn_mj and cudnn_mi:
cudnn_ver = cudnn_mj + ('0' if not cudnn_mi else cudnn_mi)
# build cuda + cudnn version suffix
# make sure these are integers, someone else will catch the exception
pkg_suffix_ver = '.post' + \
str(int(nvcc_ver)) + '.dev' + str(int(cudnn_ver))
return pkg_suffix_ver, nvcc_ver, cudnn_ver
def old_replace(session, line):
cuda_ver_suffix, cuda_ver, cuda_cudnn_ver = old_get_suffix(session)
except Exception:
return line
if line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
return line
for package_name in _cuda_based_packages_hack:
if package_name not in line:
line_lstrip = line.lstrip()
if line_lstrip.startswith('http://') or line_lstrip.startswith('https://'):
pos = line.find(package_name) + len(package_name)
# patch line with specific version
line = line[:pos] + \
line[pos:].replace('-cp', cuda_ver_suffix + '-cp', 1)
# this is a pypi package
tokens = line.replace('=', ' ').replace('<', ' ').replace('>', ' ').replace(';', ' '). \
replace('!', ' ').split()
if package_name != tokens[0]:
# how did we get here, probably a mistake
found_cuda_based_package = False
version_number = None
if len(tokens) > 1:
# get the package version info
test_version_number = tokens[1]
# check if we have a valid version, i.e. does not contain post/dev
version_number = '.'.join([v for v in test_version_number.split('.')
if v and '0' <= v[0] <= '9'])
if version_number != test_version_number:
raise ValueError()
# we have no version, but we have to have one
if not version_number:
# get the latest version from the extra index list
pip_search_cmd = ['pip', 'search']
if Worker._pip_extra_index_url:
chain.from_iterable(('-i', x) for x in Worker._pip_extra_index_url))
pip_search_cmd += [package_name]
pip_search_output = get_bash_output(
' '.join(pip_search_cmd), strip=True)
version_number = pip_search_output.split(package_name)[1]
version_number = version_number.replace(
'(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').split()[0]
version_number = '.'.join([v for v in version_number.split('.')
if v and '0' <= v[0] <= '9'])
if not version_number:
# somewhere along the way we failed
raise ValueError()
package_name_version = package_name + '==' + version_number + cuda_ver_suffix
if version_number in line:
# make sure we have the specific version not >=
tokens = line.split(';')
line = ';'.join([package_name_version] + tokens[1:])
# add version to the package_name
line = line.replace(package_name, package_name_version, 1)
# print('pip install %s using CUDA v%s CuDNN v%s' % (package_name, cuda_ver, cuda_cudnn_ver))
except ValueError:
# print('Warning! could not find installed CUDA/CuDNN version for %s, '
# 'using original requirements line: %s' % (package_name, line))
# add the current line into the cuda requirements list
return line
win_condition = 'sys_platform != "win_32"'
versions = ('1', '1.4', '1.4.9', '1.5.3.dev0',
'1.5.3.dev3', '43.1.2.dev0.post1')
def normalize(result):
return result and re.sub(' ?; ?', ';', result)
def parse_one(requirement):
return MarkerRequirement(next(requirements.parse(requirement)))
def compare(manager, current_session, pytest_config, requirement, expected):
res1 = normalize(manager._replace_one(parse_one(requirement)))
except ValueError:
res1 = None
res2 = old_replace(current_session, requirement)
if res2 == requirement:
res2 = None
res2 = normalize(res2)
expected = normalize(expected)
if pytest_config.option.cpu:
assert res1 is None
assert res1 == expected
if requirement not in FAILURES:
assert res1 == res2
return res1
ARG_VERSIONED = pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', (
OP = pytest.mark.parametrize('op', ('==', '<=', '>='))
VERSION = pytest.mark.parametrize('version', versions)
EXTRA = pytest.mark.parametrize('extra', ('', ' ; ' + win_condition))
ARG_PLAIN = pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', (
def test_with_version(manager, current_session, pytestconfig, arg, op, version, extra):
requirement = arg.format(**locals())
# expected = EXPECTED.get((arg, op, version))
expected = get_expected(current_session, (arg, op, version))
expected = expected and expected + extra
compare(manager, current_session, pytestconfig, requirement, expected)
def test_plain(arg, current_session, pytestconfig, extra, manager):
# expected = EXPECTED.get(arg)
expected = get_expected(current_session, arg)
expected = expected and expected + extra
compare(manager, current_session, pytestconfig, arg + extra, expected)
def get_expected(session, key):
result = EXPECTED.get(key)
cuda_version, cudnn_version = session.config['agent.cuda_version'], session.config['agent.cudnn_version']
suffix = '.post{cuda_version}.dev{cudnn_version}'.format(**locals()) \
if (cuda_version and cudnn_version) \
else ''
return result and result.format(suffix=suffix)
def test_str_versioned(arg, op, version, extra):
requirement = arg.format(**locals())
assert normalize(str(parse_one(requirement))) == normalize(requirement)
def test_str_plain(arg, extra, manager):
requirement = arg.format(**locals())
assert normalize(str(parse_one(requirement))) == normalize(requirement)
def current_session(pytestconfig):
session = Session()
if not pytestconfig.option.cpu:
return session
session.config['agent.cuda_version'] = None
session.config['agent.cudnn_version'] = None
return session
def manager(current_session):
manager = RequirementsManager(current_session.config)
for requirement in (PytorchRequirement, ):
return manager
# plain
# greater than
'>=0', '>0.1', '>=0.1', '>0.1.2', '>=0.1.2', '>0.1.2.post30', '>=0.1.3.post30', '>0.post30.dev40',
'>=0.post30.dev40', '>0.post30-dev40', '>=0.post30-dev40', '>0.0', '>=0.0', '>0.3', '>=0.3', '>=0.4',
# smaller than
'<4', '<4.0', '<4.1.0', '<4.1.0.post80.dev60', '<4.1.0-post80.dev60', '<3', '<2.0', '<1.0.3', '<=4', '<=4.0',
'<=4.1.0', '<=4.1.0.post80.dev60', '<=4.1.0-post80.dev60', '<=3', '<=2.0', '<=1.0.3',
# equals
# equals and
'==0.4.0,>=0', '==0.4.0,>=0.1', '==0.4.0,>0.1', '==0.4.0,>=0.1.2', '==0.4.0,>0.1.2', '==0.4.0,<4', '==0.4.0,<=4',
'==0.4.0,<4.0', '==0.4.0,<=4.0', '==0.4.0,<4.0.2',
# smaller and greater
'>=0,<4', '>=0,<4.0', '>0.1,<1', '>0.1,<1.1.2', '>0.1,<1.1.2', '>=0,<=4', '>=0,<4.0',
'>=0.1,<1', '>0.1,<=1.1.2', '>=0.1,<1.1.2',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('package_manager', ('pip', 'conda'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('os', ('linux', 'windows', 'macos'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cuda', ('80', '90', '91'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('python', ('2.7', '3.5', '3.6'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('spec', SPECS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('condition', ('', ' ; ' + win_condition))
def test_pytorch_success(manager, package_manager, os, cuda, python, spec, condition):
pytorch_handler = manager.handlers[-1]
pytorch_handler.package_manager = package_manager
pytorch_handler.os = os
pytorch_handler.cuda = cuda_ver = 'cuda{}'.format(cuda)
pytorch_handler.python = python_ver = 'python{}'.format(python)
req = 'torch{}{}'.format(spec, condition)
expected = pytorch_handler.MAP[package_manager][os][cuda_ver][python_ver]
if isinstance(expected, Exception):
with pytest.raises(type(expected)):
expected = expected['0.4.0']
result = manager._replace_one(parse_one(req))
assert result == expected
get_pip_version = RequirementSubstitution.get_pip_version
'seematics.caffe': 'seematics.caffe=={}{{suffix}}'.format(get_pip_version('seematics.caffe')),
'lightnet': 'lightnet=={}{{suffix}}'.format(get_pip_version('lightnet')),
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1'): 'seematics.caffe==1{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1.4'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1.4.9'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4.9{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1'): 'seematics.caffe==1{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1.4'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1.4.9'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4.9{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1'): 'seematics.caffe==1{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1.4'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4{suffix}',
('seematics.caffe{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1.4.9'): 'seematics.caffe==1.4.9{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1'): 'lightnet==1{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1.4'): 'lightnet==1.4{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '<=', '1.4.9'): 'lightnet==1.4.9{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1'): 'lightnet==1{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1.4'): 'lightnet==1.4{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '==', '1.4.9'): 'lightnet==1.4.9{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1'): 'lightnet==1{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1.4'): 'lightnet==1.4{suffix}',
('lightnet{op}{version}{extra}', '>=', '1.4.9'): 'lightnet==1.4.9{suffix}',
'seematics.caffe ; {}'.format(win_condition),
'lightnet ; {}'.format(win_condition)