2025-01-26 23:03:16 +02:00

188 lines
8.0 KiB

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Text
from ..._vendor.pathlib2 import Path
from .base import PackageManager
from .requirements import SimpleSubstitution
from ..base import safe_furl as furl
class ExternalRequirements(SimpleSubstitution):
name = "external_link"
cwd = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ExternalRequirements, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.post_install_req = []
self.post_install_req_lookup = OrderedDict()
self.post_install_local_req_lookup = OrderedDict()
def match(self, req):
# match local folder building:
if self.is_local_folder_package(req):
# noinspection PyBroadException
folder_path = req.req.line.strip().split('#')[0].strip()
if self.cwd and not Path(folder_path).is_absolute():
folder_path = (Path(self.cwd) / Path(folder_path)).absolute().as_posix()
self.post_install_local_req_lookup['file://{}'.format(folder_path)] = req.req.line
except Exception:
return True
# match both editable or code or unparsed
if not (not or req.req and (req.req.editable or req.req.vcs)):
return False
if not req.req or not req.req.line or not req.req.line.strip() or req.req.line.strip().startswith('#'):
return False
if req.pip_new_version and not (req.req.editable or req.req.vcs):
return False
return True
def post_install(self, session):
post_install_req = self.post_install_req
self.post_install_req = []
for req in post_install_req:
if self.is_already_installed(req):
print("No need to reinstall \'{}\' from VCS, "
"the exact same version is already installed".format(
if not req.pip_new_version:
# noinspection PyBroadException
freeze_base = PackageManager.out_of_scope_freeze() or dict(pip=[])
except Exception:
freeze_base = dict(pip=[])
req_line = self._add_vcs_credentials(req, session)
# if we have older pip version we have to make sure we replace back the package name with the
# git repository link. In new versions this is supported and we get "package @ git+https://..."
if not req.pip_new_version:
PackageManager.out_of_scope_install_package(req_line, "--no-deps")
# noinspection PyBroadException
freeze_post = PackageManager.out_of_scope_freeze() or dict(pip=[])
package_name = list(set(freeze_post['pip']) - set(freeze_base['pip']))
if package_name and package_name[0] not in self.post_install_req_lookup:
self.post_install_req_lookup[package_name[0]] = req.req.line
except Exception:
# no need to force reinstall, pip will always rebuild if the package comes from git
# and make sure the required packages are installed (if they are not it will install them)
if not PackageManager.out_of_scope_install_package(req_line):
raise ValueError("Failed installing GIT/HTTPs package \'{}\'".format(req_line))
def _add_vcs_credentials(req, session):
req_line = req.tostr(markers=False)
if req_line.strip().startswith('-e ') or req_line.strip().startswith('--editable'):
req_line = re.sub(r'^(-e|--editable=?)\s*', '', req_line, count=1)
if req.req.vcs and req_line.startswith('git+'):
url_no_frag = furl(req_line)
# reverse replace
fragment = req_line[::-1].replace(url_no_frag.url[::-1], '', 1)[::-1]
vcs_url = req_line[4:]
# reverse replace
vcs_url = vcs_url[::-1].replace(fragment[::-1], '', 1)[::-1]
# notice git:// is actually ssh://
if vcs_url and vcs_url.startswith('git://'):
vcs_url = vcs_url.replace('git://', 'ssh://', 1)
from ..repo import Git
vcs = Git(session=session, url=vcs_url, location=None, revision=None)
new_req_line = 'git+{}{}'.format(vcs.url_with_auth, fragment)
if new_req_line != req_line:
furl_line = furl(new_req_line)
print('Replacing original pip vcs \'{}\' with \'{}\''.format(
furl_line.set(password='xxxxxx').tostr() if furl_line.password else new_req_line))
req_line = new_req_line
except Exception:
print('WARNING: Failed parsing pip git install, using original line {}'.format(req_line))
return req_line
def replace(self, req):
Replace a requirement
:raises: ValueError if version is pre-release
# Store in post req install, and return nothing
# mark skip package, we will install it in post install hook
return Text('')
def replace_back(self, list_of_requirements):
if not list_of_requirements:
return list_of_requirements
for k in list_of_requirements:
# k is either pip/conda
if k not in ('pip', 'conda'):
original_requirements = list_of_requirements[k]
list_of_requirements[k] = [r for r in original_requirements
if r not in self.post_install_req_lookup]
list_of_requirements[k] += [self.post_install_req_lookup.get(r, '')
for r in self.post_install_req_lookup.keys() if r in original_requirements]
if self.post_install_local_req_lookup:
original_requirements = list_of_requirements[k]
list_of_requirements[k] = [
r for r in original_requirements
if len(r.split('@', 1)) != 2 or r.split('@', 1)[1].strip() not in self.post_install_local_req_lookup]
list_of_requirements[k] += [
self.post_install_local_req_lookup.get(r.split('@', 1)[1].strip(), '')
for r in original_requirements
if len(r.split('@', 1)) == 2 and r.split('@', 1)[1].strip() in self.post_install_local_req_lookup]
return list_of_requirements
def is_local_folder_package(cls, req):
# noinspection PyBroadException
if not and req.req and not req.req.editable and not req.req.vcs and \
req.req.line and req.req.line.strip().split('#')[0] and \
not req.req.line.strip().split('#')[0].lower().endswith('.whl') and \
not (req.req.line.strip().startswith('-r ') or req.req.line.strip().startswith('--requirement ')):
return True
except Exception:
return False
class OnlyExternalRequirements(ExternalRequirements):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OnlyExternalRequirements, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def match(self, req):
return True
def replace(self, req):
Replace a requirement
:raises: ValueError if version is pre-release
# Do not store the skipped requirements
# mark skip package
if super(OnlyExternalRequirements, self).match(req):
if self.is_already_installed(req):
print("No need to reinstall \'{}\' from VCS, "
"the exact same version is already installed".format(
return Text('')
return self._add_vcs_credentials(req, self._session)
return Text('')