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from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from typing import Text, List
from pyhocon import HOCONConverter
from trains_agent.commands.events import Events
from trains_agent.commands.worker import Worker
from trains_agent.helper.process import get_bash_output
from trains_agent.helper.resource_monitor import ResourceMonitor
class K8sIntegration(Worker):
K8S_PENDING_QUEUE = "k8s_scheduler"
KUBECTL_RUN_CMD = "kubectl run trains_id_{task_id} " \
"--image {docker_image} " \
"--restart=Never --replicas=1 " \
KUBECTL_DELETE_CMD = "kubectl delete pods " \
"--selector=TRAINS=agent " \
CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT = "apt-get install -y git python-pip && " \
"pip install trains-agent && " \
"python -u -m trains_agent execute --full-monitoring --require-queue --id {}"
def __init__(self, k8s_pending_queue_name=None, kubectl_cmd=None, container_bash_script=None, debug=False):
Initialize the k8s integration glue layer daemon
:param str k8s_pending_queue_name: queue name to use when task is pending in the k8s scheduler
:param str|callable kubectl_cmd: kubectl command line str, supports formating (default: KUBECTL_RUN_CMD)
example: "task={task_id} image={docker_image} queue_id={queue_id}"
or a callable function: kubectl_cmd(task_id, docker_image, queue_id, task_data)
:param str container_bash_script: container bash script to be executed in k8s (default: CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT)
:param bool debug: Switch logging on
super(K8sIntegration, self).__init__()
self.k8s_pending_queue_name = k8s_pending_queue_name or self.K8S_PENDING_QUEUE
self.kubectl_cmd = kubectl_cmd or self.KUBECTL_RUN_CMD
self.container_bash_script = container_bash_script or self.CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT
# Always do system packages, because by we will be running inside a docker
self._session.config.put("agent.package_manager.system_site_packages", True)
# Add debug logging
if debug:
self.log.logger.disabled = False
def run_one_task(self, queue: Text, task_id: Text, worker_args=None):
task_data = self._session.api_client.tasks.get_all(id=[task_id])[0]
# push task into the k8s queue, so we have visibility on pending tasks in the k8s scheduler
self._session.api_client.tasks.enqueue(task_id, queue=self.k8s_pending_queue_name,
status_reason='k8s pending scheduler')
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("ERROR: Could not push back task [{}] to k8s pending queue [{}], error: {}".format(
task_id, self.k8s_pending_queue_name, e))
if task_data.execution.docker_cmd:
docker_image = task_data.execution.docker_cmd
docker_image = str(os.environ.get("TRAINS_DOCKER_IMAGE") or
self._session.config.get("agent.default_docker.image", "nvidia/cuda"))
# take the first part, this is the docker image name (not arguments)
docker_image = docker_image.split()[0]
create_trains_conf = "echo '{}' >> ~/trains.conf && ".format(
if callable(self.kubectl_cmd):
kubectl_cmd = self.kubectl_cmd(task_id, docker_image, queue, task_data)
kubectl_cmd = self.kubectl_cmd.format(task_id=task_id, docker_image=docker_image, queue_id=queue)
# make sure we gave a list
if isinstance(kubectl_cmd, str):
kubectl_cmd = kubectl_cmd.split()
kubectl_cmd += ["--labels=TRAINS=agent", "--command", "--", "/bin/sh", "-c",
create_trains_conf + self.container_bash_script.format(task_id)]
process = subprocess.Popen(kubectl_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
self.log.info("K8s scheduling experiment task id={}".format(task_id))
if error:
self.log.error("Running kubectl encountered an error: {}".format(
error if isinstance(error, str) else error.decode()))
def run_tasks_loop(self, queues: List[Text], worker_params):
:summary: Pull and run tasks from queues.
:description: 1. Go through ``queues`` by order.
2. Try getting the next task for each and run the first one that returns.
3. Go to step 1
:param queues: IDs of queues to pull tasks from
:type queues: list of ``Text``
:param worker_params: Worker command line arguments
:type worker_params: ``trains_agent.helper.process.WorkerParams``
events_service = self.get_service(Events)
# make sure we have a k8s pending queue
except Exception:
# get queue id
self.k8s_pending_queue_name = self._resolve_name(self.k8s_pending_queue_name, "queues")
_last_machine_update_ts = 0
while True:
# iterate over queues (priority style, queues[0] is highest)
for queue in queues:
# delete old completed /failed pods
# get next task in queue
response = self._session.api_client.queues.get_next_task(queue=queue)
except Exception as e:
print("Warning: Could not access task queue [{}], error: {}".format(queue, e))
task_id = response.entry.task
except AttributeError:
print("No tasks in queue {}".format(queue))
lines="task {} pulled from {} by worker {}".format(
task_id, queue, self.worker_id
self.report_monitor(ResourceMonitor.StatusReport(queues=queues, queue=queue, task=task_id))
self.run_one_task(queue, task_id, worker_params)
# sleep and retry polling
print("No tasks in Queues, sleeping for {:.1f} seconds".format(self._polling_interval))
if self._session.config["agent.reload_config"]:
def k8s_daemon(self, queues):
Start the k8s Glue service.
This service will be pulling tasks from *queues* and scheduling them for execution using kubectl.
Notice all scheduled tasks are pushed back into K8S_PENDING_QUEUE,
and popped when execution actually starts. This creates full visibility into the k8s scheduler.
Manually popping a task from the K8S_PENDING_QUEUE,
will cause the k8s scheduler to skip the execution once the scheduled tasks needs to be executed
:param list(str) queues: List of queue names to pull from
return self.daemon(queues=queues, log_level=logging.INFO, foreground=True, docker=False)